Популярни книги
Bureaucrats in Business
Издател: The World Bank
Despite more than a decade of privatization, state-owned enterprises account for nearly as large a share of developing countries' economies today as twenty years ago. Often inefficient government firms and the resulting deficits hinder growth, making it harder for people to escape poverty. Drawing on extensive data and detailed case studies, this
Rußland in Aufruhr
Christian Schmidi-Häuer
Издател: Piper
Jahrzehntelang hat der Westen die Stärke der Sowjetunion überschätzt und gefürchtet. Unterschätzt er jetzt die Schwäche Russlands? Die Gefahren, dass Kernkraftwerke bersten, Atomwaffen einer Bürgerkriegsspartei in die Hände fallen oder der Staatsbankrott Millionen Wirtschaftsflüchtlinge nach Westen treibt, sind zu gross, um an Russland
Financing Private Infrastructure
Издател: The World Bank
This report articulates the lessons of IFC's experience in mobilizing financing for private infrastructure projects in the developing world. It discusses the issues involved in arriving at workable project structures, the approaches available to countries that want to pursue this route, and the obstacles that may arise. The report includes country
Книги: 1951 - 1960 от общо 3739