Жюстин Томс , Денислав Георгиев
„Успешен онлайн маркетинг (с 65 примера от практиката)” е книга от двама български автори - Жюстин Томс и...
Николай Бердяев
Издателство "Захарий Стоянов" поднася на българския читател уникалното шесттомно издание на съчиненията на...
Чрез даряването на сума по Ваше желание, можете да подпомогнете набавянето на нови заглавия и подобряване на предоставяните от нас услуги
Л. А. Дробозина, О. В. Можайскоe
Издател: Издат. „ Финансы“
0 гласа, средно: 0 от 5
Yehoshua Arieli
Издател: Harvard University Press
How did American society – heterogeneous in its structure and origin, recent in its history, mobile and diverse in its character – come to consider itself a nation? Probing the ideology of America during its formative period from 1776 to 1865, the author shows a dynamic relationship between the growing sense of nationalism and the concept of
Издател: IMF
The Balance of Payments Manual published by the International Monetary Fund provides accounting standards for balance of payments reporting and analysis for many countries. The Bureau of Economic Analysis adheres to this standard.
Roberta Romano
Издател: The AEI Press
The author examines the structure of the corporate charter market, the impact of takeover regulation and federal securities law, and the spreading of criminalization of corporate duties. The genius of American corporate law lies in its federal organization. State competition for revenues from corporate charters has produced a system that, for the
Brian O`Connell
Издател: The Foundation Center
Written by former Independent Sector President Brian O’Connell, this is the perfect guide to the issues, challenges, and possibilities facing a nonprofit organization and its board. The Board Member’s Book covers: • the impact of nonprofit organizations on the U.S. today • the different responsibilities of board members, staff, and
Michael A. Jessee, Steven A. Seelig
Издател: Lexington books
Romeo M. Bautista, Alberto Valdés
Издател: ICS Press
Although agriculture plays a large role in the economies of many developing countries and has the potential to contribute to growth and alleviate poverty, it has suffered in the widespread push for industrialization. The Bias Against Agriculture examines both the direct and indirect effects of trade and macroeconomic policies on agricultural
Lenny Koh, Rob Huggins, Fotis Missopoulos
Издател: South-East Research Center
This is a book based on the project "Infusing Knowledge into South East European SMEs: Establishing a Platform for Developing Business Alliances, Supply Chains, and SME-Research Interactions", funded by the British & Foreign Commonwealth Office (FCO). The research has concluded that the lack of an institutional framework is restraining the
Адриана Младенова, Методи В. Методиев
Издател: Институт за пазарна икономика
Средното увеличение на минималните осигурителни прагове за 2009 г. е 26.6%. Работодателите са длъжни да внасят осигурителни вноски за работниците и служителите върху сума, не по-малка от
Адриана Младенова, Методи В. Методиев, Зорница Славова , Петър Ганев
На какви регулации са подложени одиторите, архитектите, инженерите и магистър-фармацевтите? Кой ги въвежда и защо? Оправдано ли е въвеждането на задължително членство в съсловна
Книги: 2051 - 2060 от общо 3739