Ханс Йорг Тиме
Целта на тази книга е да допринесе за по-доброто разбиране на начина на функциониране на социалната пазарна...
F. A. Harper
A study of the scope and complexity of the problems of liberty. ...
Чрез даряването на сума по Ваше желание, можете да подпомогнете набавянето на нови заглавия и подобряване на предоставяните от нас услуги
Издател: The foundation for Economic education
0 гласа, средно: 0 от 5
Издател: The University of Chicago Press
Издател: Списание на либералната общност
Arend Lijphart
Издател: Yale university press
Michael Novak
Издател: Madison Books
Michael Novak’s Will It Liberate? is a volume all men and women committed to liberty should purchase and read. The work’s subtitle—Liberation Theology and The Liberal Society—might deter potential readers for whom theology holds little appeal, but such a reaction would be sadly shortsighted, it would deprive them of an invaluable resource
Издател: Routledge
Post-Communist Economies publishes key research and policy articles in the analysis of post-communist economies. The basic transformation in the past two decades through stabilisation, liberalisation and privatisation has been completed in virtually all of the former communist countries, but despite the dramatic changes that have taken place, the
Издател: International center for economic growth
Издател: Institute for small business development
Книги: 2301 - 2310 от общо 3739