Популярни книги
Markets and Morality
Издател: Acton Institute
Journal of Markets & Morality is a peer-reviewed academic journal published twice a year–in the Spring and Fall. The journal promotes intellectual exploration of the relationship between economics and morality from both social science and theological perspectives. It seeks to bring together theologians, philosophers, economists, and other
The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics
Peter J. Boettke
Издател: Edward Elgar
Boettke selected contributors who were basically supportive of three Austrian themes—methodological individualism, subjectivism, and the spontaneous order. He asked each to contribute an original paper on a topic in the field of Austrian economics with which he or she was familiar. Each article was limited to about 2,500 words. In this way,
Тенденции на престъпността в България
Издател: Център за изследване на демокрацията
С доклада за втора поредна година Центърът представя данни за конвенционалната престъпност от алтернативен източник – изследванията на жертвите на престъпност, т.нар. виктимизационни
The Spirit of Freedom
Издател: The Foundation for Economic Education
An anthology of essays and articles on the freedom movement in American history.
IRIS Quarterly Policy Report
Издател: Институт за регионални и международни изследвания (ИРМИ)
The removal of the “strong man” in Belgrade – Slobodan Milosevic – opens the way for new opportunities and new risks on the Balkans. In the course of the last thirteen years Mr. Milosevic presided over the radical revival of the Serb nationalism, claiming the formation of a “Greater Serbia”, replacing the second Yugoslav federation
Книги: 2451 - 2460 от общо 3739