Популярни книги
Think Tanks in Central and Eastern Europe: A Comprehensive Directory
Издател: Freedom House
Think Tanks in Central and Eastern Europe: A Comprehensive Directory is the most complete listing to date of the region’s new policy institutes. It is specifically intended to increase their effectiveness by facilitating increased collaboration within their own community and with counterparts in government, media, and business in CEE and
The Frontiers of the New Institutional Economics
John N. Drobak , John V.C. Nye
Издател: Emerald Group Pub Ltd
The New Institutional Economics incorporates a theory of institutions into economics. It builds upon the fundamental assumptions of scarcity and competition but abandons institutional rationality. Consequently, NIE assumes that individuals make choices based on incomplete information and limited mental capacity, forming institutions to reduce
Thinking the Unthinkable: From Thought to Policy
Издател: United Nations Development Programme. Regional Bureau for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States.
The Challenges of constructing effective governance systems in Central and South Eastern Europe during the past decade have been extensive. This publication looks at the linkages between these challenges and the experiences and best practices that have emerged, including the contributions of think tanks to government capacity. It is divided into
Doing Business 2008
Издател: The World Bank
Ordered by the time and cost required to set, run and close a business, Eastern Europe and Central Asia were the fastest reforming region this year. Latin America and East Asia were the slowest, with the exception of China, who implemented new private property rights and a new bankruptcy law.
Business climate rankings matter to women. Higher
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