Популярни книги

Haunted Housing Haunted Housing

Cassandra Chrones Moore

Издател: Cato Institute

Focusing on how toxic scare stories are literally spooking the general public out of house and home, Haunted Housing is a compelling expose of the fears and realities of radon, lead, asbestos, and electromagnetic fields. Haunted Housing is a manual for buyers and sellers of homes, regulators, legislators, and public policy analysts. Haunted

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The Balkans in `97 The Balkans in `97

Издател: Forum for international relations

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Research Observer Research Observer

Издател: The World Bank

The World Bank Research Observer seeks to inform nonspecialist readers about research being undertaken within the Bank and outside the Bank in areas of economics relevant for development policy. Requiring only a minimal background in economic analysis, its surveys and overviews of key issues in development economics research are intended for

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Can De-Industrialisation Seriously Damage Your Wealth? Can De-Industrialisation Seriously Damage Your Wealth?

N. F. R. Crafts

Издател: IEA

From time to time, and in various guises, the issue of de-industrialisation is raised. Sometimes the central concern is the dereliction of a once staple industry, sometimes the effect on UK trade, sometimes the decline of the proportion of GNP related to manufacturing, sometimes a discussion of whether industry matters so much when the rapidly

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From Transition to EU Accession From Transition to EU Accession

Pietro Garibaldi, Mattia Makovec, Gabriella Stoyanova

Издател: The World Bank

This paper studies the Bulgarian labor market with a view to understand the interactions between the performance of the Bulgarian economy and the functioning of its labor market.

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Конкурентоспособност на българската икономика Конкурентоспособност на българската икономика

Издател: CED

Анализ на основните фактори, които влияят върху икономическия растеж и конкурентоспособността. Изследвани са: ефективността на публичните институции, технологичното развитие,

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International Economic Policy Review International Economic Policy Review

Paul Masson, Padma Gotur, Timothy Lane(editors)

Издател: International Monetary Fund

Part I Economic Growth, Inflation, and Poverty Raising Growth and Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa: What Can be Done? Ernesto Hernández-Catá Rural Poverty in Developing Countries: Issues and Policies Mahmood Hasan Khan From Toronto Terms to the Enhanced HIPC Initiative: A Brief History of Debt Relief for Low-Income

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Anti-Corruption in Southeast Europe Anti-Corruption in Southeast Europe

Издател: Centre for the Study of Democracy

The main goal of the Report is to sensitize politicians and civil society to the specific set of sources of corruption in the region. The first part analyzes the origins of cross border corruption in the region which is seen as a result of the rise of transnational crime caused by the violent break-up of former Yugoslavia. It intends to show

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Кредитната активност на търговските банки и рациониране на кредитния пазар в България Кредитната активност на търговските банки и рациониране на кредитния пазар в България

Михаил Михайлов

Издател: БНБ

Вече повече от десет години БНБ поддържа поредицата „Дискусионни материали“, която представя резултати от изследвания по макроикономика и финанси и по стопанска история. Материалите се

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Книги: 2511 - 2520 от общо 3739