Популярни книги
История на Балканите XIV-XX век
Жорж Кастелан
Издател: Издателска къща "Хермес"
От османското завладяване на Балканите до последните трусове, допринесли за разпадането на Югославия, настоящата книга проследява стъпка по стъпка историята на нашия регион, който винаги е
Laissez-faire Banking
Kevin Dowd
Издател: Routledge
This volume documents the revival of free banking in recent years, combining chapters on the theory of laissez-faire banking, the historical experience of it and the solutions it might offer to current banking crises.
The Age of the Economist
Daniel R. Fusfeld
Издател: Scott, Foresman and Company
Written especially for students with a limited background in economics, this book explains how a market economy functions through an historical overview of economics. It discusses the major schools of economic thought and ideas of the leading economists of each period. Updated throughout, the book emphasizes the relationship between economic
Книги: 2621 - 2630 от общо 3739