Умберто Еко, Жан-Клод Кариер , Жан-Филип дьо Тонак
Това е най-човешкият разговор за книги, публикуван някога. Двама почти 80-годишни мъдреци, които нямат какво...
Фридрих Август фон Хайек
В „Пътят към робството” (1944) Фридрих фон Хайек разглежда зависимостта между планирането на икономиката и...
Чрез даряването на сума по Ваше желание, можете да подпомогнете набавянето на нови заглавия и подобряване на предоставяните от нас услуги
Marc M. Lindenberg
Издател: International center for economic growth
0 гласа, средно: 0 от 5
Издател: International Monetary Fund
This pamphlet focuses on how the IMF works to reduce poverty and improve equity.
Издател: Urban Management Programme
Ludwig von Mises
Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.
Written toward the end of Mises’s life, his last monograph, The Ultimate Foundation of Economic Science, returned to economics as a science based on human action. Mises believed that, since the publication of Human Action, economists and scientists alike had misinterpreted the idea of economics as a science by deeming it epistemological
Издател: The World Bank
Peter K. Pitsch
Издател: Hudson Institute
Revolutionary developments in computer and fiber-optic technologies have produced a widespread belief that the world has entered a new "Information Age." In this book, Peter Pitsch notes that the information age technologies are unique in their capacity for undergoing and engendering dynamic and unpredictable change. Economic growth in this area
Michelle Riboud
Издател: International Center for Economic Growth
Издател: American economic association
W. H. Hutt
Издател: Liberty Press
W. H. Hutt was a preeminent and persistent critic of the economic theories of John Maynard Keynes. In The Keynesian Episode, he presents a comprehensive review of Keynes’s General Theory, including the finest critique to date of the Acceleration Principle. He questions the very legitimacy of Keynes’s fundamental epistemology. In Hutt’s
Johan Norberg
Издател: CATO Institute
Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine purports to be an exposé of the ruthless nature of free-market capitalism and its chief recent exponent, Milton Friedman. Klein argues that capitalism goes hand in hand with dictatorship and brutality and that dictators and other unscrupulous political figures take advantage of "shocks"—catastrophes real or
Книги: 3511 - 3520 от общо 3739