Популярни книги
We, the people
N. A. Palkhivala
Издател: Strand Book Stall
The author brings a razor sharp mind to bear on the myriad subjects he touches, ranging from the noble constitution of India, the man-made malaise seizing India from time to time, eminent personalities, to the daunting task of redesigning India for the 21st century. The convoluted Problems that India is heir to, and confronted with, are analyzed,
Wirtschaftspolitik im Systemvergleich
Dieter Cassel
Издател: Verlag Vahlen
Im Buch werden die zwei Gesellschaftsysteme des 20. Jahrhunderts, der Sozialismus und der Kapitalismus, gegenübergestellt und die möglichen Ursache für die Überlegenheit des Kapitalismus diskutiert.
Work and Welfare in Massachusetts
June O`Neill
Издател: Pioneer Institute for Public Policy Research
Since its introduction in 1983, the Employment and Training Choices program had been widely applauded as a creative response to the problem of chronic welfare. State leaders like Gov. Michael Dukakis took every opportunity to celebrate the program’s success, but these claims were based on government-sponsored research that had generally found in
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