Популярни книги

We The Living We The Living

Ayn Rand

Издател: Signet

The novel’s portrayal of the destructive effects of collectivism reflects Ayn Rand’s focus in her early philosophic thinking on moral and political issues; its theme, she said, is “the individual against the state.” Published (with considerable difficulty) at the height of the Red Decade, American intellectuals’ infatuation with

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Philosophy: Who Needs It Philosophy: Who Needs It

Ayn Rand

Издател: Signet Books

This collection of essays was the last work planned by Ayn Rand before her death in 1982. In it, she summarizes her view of philosophy and deals with a broad spectrum of topics. According to Ayn Rand, the choice we make is not whether to have a philosophy, but which one to have: rational, conscious, and therefore practical; or contradictory,

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The Fountainhead The Fountainhead

Ayn Rand

Издател: Signet

What motivates a creative thinker? Is it a selfless desire to benefit mankind? A hunger for fame, fortune, and accolades? The need to prove superiority? Or is it a self-sufficient drive to pursue a creative vision, independent of others’ needs or opinions? Ayn Rand addresses these questions through her portrayal of Howard Roark, an innovative

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Three Plays Three Plays

Ayn Rand

Издател: Signet

Published together for the first time, here are Ayn Rand's three compelling stage plays. Written in 1933, and a Broadway success in 1935, Night of January 16th is presented here in its definitive, final revised text—a superb dramatic objectification of Ayn Rand's vision of human strength and weakness, a play famous for the author's refusal to

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Ludwig von Mises - A Primer Ludwig von Mises - A Primer

Eamonn Butler

Издател: The Institute of Economic Affairs

In "Ludwig von Mises – A Primer", Eamonn Butler provides a comprehensive yet accessible overview of Mises’ outstanding achievements. At a time of economic crisis, this monograph makes it clear that Mises’ work is highly relevant today. Indeed, while mainstream economics has been found wanting, the latest recession appears to have been

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The European Institutions as an Interest Group The European Institutions as an Interest Group

Roland Vaubel

Издател: The Institute of Economic Affairs

The institutions of the European Union are gaining more and more power at the expense of national and local governments, as well as individuals and private businesses. There would appear to be no reverse gear in this process, while objections from the general public, as expressed in periodic referenda, tend to be brushed aside. This

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Нацията новатор Нацията новатор

Дан Сенор, Сол Сингър

Издател: Издателска къща МаК

Това е книга за новаторството и предприемачеството. И за това как страна, малка като Израел, е олицетворение и на двете: най-много иновации и предприемачество в днешния свят има в еврейската

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Taxation in Europe 2010 Taxation in Europe 2010

Pierre Garello

Издател: Institute for Research on Economic and Fiscal Issues

IREF is presenting for the third consecutive year a unique report on taxation in Europe. You can find here expert analysis of the fiscal policy in 22 european countries, the most recent data and forecast for future developments. Summary by Professor Pierre Garello.

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Какво ще спаси икономиката? Какво ще спаси икономиката?


Издател: Фондация "Конрад Аденауер"

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Пари и де/стабилизация в България 1948-1989 Пари и де/стабилизация в България 1948-1989

Румен Аврамов

Издател: Институт за изследване на близкото минало, Институт "Отворено общество", СИЕЛА

Книгата разглежда механизми на „паричната политика” и два от опитите (началото на 60-те и края на 80-те години) за макроикономическа стабилизация по време на комунистическия режим. Проучени

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Книги: 441 - 450 от общо 3739