Популярни книги

Unlocking Ideas Unlocking Ideas

Francesca Ficai

Издател: Stockholm Network

The authors encompass a wide spectrum of expertise and write from diverse backgrounds. While every country is unique, the essays highlight universal values of consumer choice and market mechanisms in government reform which may be adopted to any national context.

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Капиталът на Карл Маркс Капиталът на Карл Маркс

Стийв Шипсайд

Издател: ИнфоДАР

Публикуван за първи път през 1876 г., „Капиталът” е най-значимият принос на Карл Маркс към политическата икономия. През критиката на Маркс към уязвимостта на свободните пазари можем да

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The Role of Business in the Modern World The Role of Business in the Modern World

David Henderson

Издател: The Institute of Economic Affairs

David Henderson examines the role and conduct of business today, against the background of changes over the last sixty years

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Free Markets Under Siege Free Markets Under Siege

Издател: IEA

Richard A. Epstein, Professor of Law at the University of Chicago, explains how there are substantial gains to be made from countries getting 'easy' policy decisions correct. Societies collapse and become impoverished when they do not accept the basic principles of freedom to contract and competition. Even in the developed world these principles

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Скритата икономика в България Скритата икономика в България

Издател: Център за изследване на демокрацията

С бързите промени в световната икономика през последното десетилетие и необходимостта от динамични структурни реформи в Европа и по-специално в страните в преход, изследванията на

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The Unfinished Business of the Fifth Enlargement Countries The Unfinished Business of the Fifth Enlargement Countries


Издател: Отворено Общество

The unfinished business in those countries concerns mainly the policy areas of national competence (political systems, social, educational, health reforms and sustainable economic development) that have been relatively neglected by decision-makers in the pre-accession period for the sake of the accession agenda. There is not any

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The Truth The Truth

Clark Carlton

Издател: Regina Orthodox Press

Pope Benedict XVI, when he was at the Italian Eucharistic Congress in Bari, Italy, again called for more dialogue between the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Churches. This book by Clark Carlton will show what keeps the Churches separate. Carlton has a Masters of Divinity from St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, where he studied

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Law School and Beyond Law School and Beyond

Издател: Institute for Humane Studies

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The Global Education Industry The Global Education Industry

James Tooley

Издател: IEA

The first edition of this pioneering book produced surprising conclusions from research around the world into the extent of private education. James Tooley challenged the prevailing wisdom that private education fosters social and economic inequality. On the contrary, he found that the private sector, as well as being innovative, often

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The Corporation Under Siege The Corporation Under Siege

Mark Neal, Christie Davies

Издател: The Social Affairs Unit

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Книги: 461 - 470 от общо 3739