Николай Неновски
Теорията на парите не може и не трябва да бъде единствено пресичане на криви, движение на парични агрегати,...
Кристиан Банков
„Консумативното общество” е задълбочен анализ на консумизма и социологията на консумативното общество и...
Чрез даряването на сума по Ваше желание, можете да подпомогнете набавянето на нови заглавия и подобряване на предоставяните от нас услуги
David Ricardo
Издател: Liberty Fund
This volume is a collection of personal correspondence and first-person recollections that focus on Ricardo's life outside of his political economic endeavors. These missives concern the aspects of Ricardo's life that surround his character, his amiable and generous nature, his successful business dealings, and his personal relationships. It
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The last volume of this collection is a comprehensive index to the previous ten volumes of The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo. It gives students, academics, and researchers a single unified source for locating Ricardo's many contributions to economics. The index is designed to help readers trace their topics of interest through all of
Kenneth Minogue
Kenneth Minogue offers a brilliant and provocative exploration of liberalism in the Western world today: its roots and its influences, its present state, and its prospects in the new century. The Liberal Mind limns the taxonomy of a way of thinking that constitutes the very consciousness of most people in most Western countries. While
This volume focuses on Ricardo's shorter essays printed in the Morning Chronicle, which deal exclusively with his thoughts on the inflationary monetary policy of the Bank of England and Britain's consequent Bullion Crises. In these essays, the genesis of Ricardo's theory of "hard money" emerges as a tool to hedge against inflation using metallic
David Hume
Издател: Liberty Classics
With the publication of the first volume of his History of England in 1754 David Hume stepped into the position as one of Britain’s leading men of letters; only Samuel Johnson could be said to outshine him in national and international reputation. The History of England was probably more widely and more often reprinted than any of Johnson’s
Volume 3 of “Hume’s great History of England the theme of which is liberty, above all English constitutional development from the Anglo-Saxon period to the Revolution of 1688. This Liberty Fund edition is based on the edition of 1778, the last to contain corrections by Hume.
The History of England (sometimes referred to as The History of Great Britain) (1754–62) is David Hume's great historical work, written while he was serving as librarian to the Edinburgh Faculty of Advocates, and published in six volumes in 1754, 1756, 1759, and 1762. His History became a best-seller, finally giving him the financial
Карън Маккрийди
Издател: ИнфоДАР
„Мисли и забогатявай” на Наполеон Хил е класика в областта на развитието на личността и съдържа съвети за всичко – от спечелването на първия ви милион до достигането на върховете в
Volume 5 of “Hume’s great History of England the theme of which is liberty, above all English constitutional development from the Anglo-Saxon period to the Revolution of 1688. This Liberty Fund edition is based on the edition of 1778, the last to contain corrections by Hume.
David Hume's great, enduring reputation in philosophy tends to obscure the fact that, among his contemporaries, his history of England was a more successful work. The history covers almost 1800 years. Hume saw English history as an evolution from a government of will to a government of law. Advanced in Hume's masterly prose, this argument
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