Популярни книги

Energy and Environment Energy and Environment

Kendra Okonski, Julian Morris

Издател: Multi-Science Publishing Co.

Part of "Energy and Environment" series. The book seeks to identify lessons for improving the chances that humanity will avoid or better cope with future calamities.

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Финансови измерения на икономическата свобода Финансови измерения на икономическата свобода


Издател: Издателска къща "Стено"

„Икономическата свобода и финансовата независимост "съпътсват" човешката цивилизация от древността до наши дни. Всяка личност, домакинство, фирма, институция, правителство и обществото

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Building Blocks for Liberty Building Blocks for Liberty

Walter Block

Издател: Terra Libertas

Walter Block ranks among the most prolific and provocative libertarian thinkers in human history. This volume fills an important gap in his corpus of writing: a series of accessible articles on cutting edge topics. His research and writing on roads, education, labor, secession, drugs, and money fill the scholarly journals, but these reductions

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The Collected Works of Henry G. Manne The Collected Works of Henry G. Manne

Henry G. Manne

Издател: Liberty Fund

As the founder of the Center for Law and Economics at George Mason University and dean emeritus of the George Mason School of Law, Henry G. Manne is one of the founding scholars of law and economics as a discipline. This three-volume collection includes articles, reviews, and books from more than four decades, featuring Wall Street in Transition,

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Философията: кому е нужна Философията: кому е нужна

Айн Ранд

Издател: Издателска къща МаК

Философията: кому е нужна” е сборник с есета на Айн Ранд, издаден няколко месеца след смъртта й през 1982 г. под редакцията на Ленард Пейкоф. Неговата тема е философията изобщо. Човекът се

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Моите години с Айн Ранд Моите години с Айн Ранд

Натаниъл Брандън

Издател: Издателство

Милиони признават Айн Ранд за един от най-великите мислители и писатели на XX век, но малцина я познават като човек от плът и кръв. В „Моите години с Айн Ранд“ Натаниъл Брандън ни разказва за

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Бюрокрацията Бюрокрацията

Лудвиг фон Мизес

Издател: Институт за радикален капитализъм „Атлас”

Всички свободомислещи хора са съгласни, че бюрокрацията е зло. Но повечето хора използват думата „бюрокрация” доста произволно. Как можем да осъждаме бюрокрацията и бюрократите, след като

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Fund Your Cause With Direct Mail Fund Your Cause With Direct Mail

Benjamin Hart

Издател: Jameson Books, Inc.

This is the most complete guide ever written for non-specialists on direct mail fundraising.Ben Hart's direct mail programs have raised hundreds of millions of dollars for scores of non-profit organizations. But Hart's insights and secrets to profitable direct mail fundraising will work just as well for businesses and for-profit commercial

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"Are Economists Basically Immoral?" and Other Essays on Economics, Ethics, and Religion "Are Economists Basically Immoral?" and Other Essays on Economics, Ethics, and Religion

Paul Heyne

Издател: Liberty Fund

A well-trained theologian, a gifted and dedicated teacher of economics for over forty years, and the author of a highly regarded and widely used textbook, The Economic Way of Thinking, Paul Heyne influenced generations of students of economics. Many of the essays in this volume are published here for the first time. The editors, Geoffrey Brennan

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American Political Writing During the Founding Era: 1760–1805 American Political Writing During the Founding Era: 1760–1805

Charles S. Hyneman (ed.), Donald S. Lutz (ed.)

Издател: Liberty Fund

These volumes provide a selection of seventy-six essays, pamphlets, speeches, and letters to newspapers written between 1760 and 1805 by American political and religious leaders. Many are obscure pieces that were previously available only in larger research libraries. But all illuminate the founding of the American republic and are essential

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Книги: 551 - 560 от общо 3739