Популярни книги
Издател: Св. Синод на Българската православна църква
Библията или Светото писание е най-разпространената и най-четената книга в света, която представлява сборник от свещени книги. Дели се на две големи части: Стар и Нов завет. Старият завет се
Новият завет
Издател: Länsi-Savo Oy
Новият завет е централното писмено свидетелство на християнството, в което основната представена личност е Исус Христос. Съставлява втората част на Библията (след Стария завет) и съдържа 27
Environmental Performance Reviews
Издател: United Nations
The EPR project in Kazakhstan had originally started in September 1997, but had to be interrupted for organizational reasons. A second preparatory mission therefore had to be organized and took place in October 2000. It resulted in a new structure for the report, which was adapted to the many changes in the country that had occurred in the
Economics In One Lesson
Henry Hazlitt
Издател: Ludwig von Mises Institute
Here is a publishing event: the new Mises Institute edition of the classic book that has taught many millions sound economic thinking. It is a hardbound volume, priced very low thanks to special benefactors, and now available in quantity discounts for distribution to your friends, family, and anyone you meet who needs to understand what economics
Capitalism 4.0
Anatole Kaletsky
Издател: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
Understanding Capitalism 4.0 will be critical to the continued recovery of our global economies. In this book, the author describes the emerging features of this new capitalist model, explains how it differs from the previous versions - and how it will change politics, finance, international relations and economic thinking in the next decade.
Against Leviathan
Robert Higgs
Издател: Indipendent Institute
What is fundamentally wrong with government today? In Against Leviathan, economist and historian, Robert Higgs, offers an unflinching critical analysis of government power in all its aspects: welfare, warfare, regulation, spying, and its imposition on personal liberties.
Книги: 591 - 600 от общо 3739