Популярни книги

Да дариш Да дариш

Бил Клинтън

Издател: Сиела

"Bcички ние пpитежaвaме пoтенциaлa дa извъpшим велики нещa – кaзвa Бил Клинтън пo пoвoд книгaтa cи "Дa дapиш" – Мoятa нaдеждa е, че xopaтa и иcтopиите, oпиcaни в тaзи книгa, ще ви тpoгнaт, ще ви нacoчaт и ще ви дoкaжaт, че

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Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times

Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of Shaftesbury

Издател: Liberty Fund

This new Liberty Fund edition of Characteristicks presents the complete 1732 text of this classic work of philosophy and political theory. Also included are faithful reproductions of the stirring engravings that Shaftesbury created to facilitate the reader's consideration of his meditations on the interrelationships among truth, goodness, beauty,

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Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times

Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of Shaftesbury

Издател: Liberty Fund

This new Liberty Fund edition of Characteristicks presents the complete 1732 text of this classic work of philosophy and political theory. Also included are faithful reproductions of the stirring engravings that Shaftesbury created to facilitate the reader's consideration of his meditations on the interrelationships among truth, goodness, beauty,

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The Virtue of Civility The Virtue of Civility

Edward Shils

Издател: Liberty Fund

Edward Shils (1910–1995) was one of the leading intellectual defenders of freedom in the twentieth century. Learned in history, politics, literature, economics, theology, and legal history, he taught for many years at the University of Chicago's Committee on Social Thought and at Peterhouse College, Cambridge. In these nine essays, Shils

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The Politicization of Society The Politicization of Society

Kenneth S. Templeton, Jr. (ed.)

Издател: Liberty Fund

The most famous essay in this great collection is Murray Rothbard's "Freedom, Inequality, Primitivism and the Division of Labor"--perhaps the best explanation of the division of labor ever written. This attack also shows how statism represents a drive toward de-civilization. And yet there is so much more here: 14 essays on the consequences of

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Arator Arator

John Taylor

Издател: Liberty Fund

This discussion of the social order of an agricultural republic is Taylor's most popular and influential work. It includes materials on the relation of agriculture to the American economy, on agriculture and politics, and on the enemies of the agrarian republic. Both statesman and farmer, Taylor is often considered the deepest thinker of all the

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Democracy and Leadership Democracy and Leadership

Irving Babbitt

Издател: Liberty Fund

Irving Babbitt was a leader of the intellectual movement called American Humanism, or the New Humanism, and a distinguished professor of French literature at Harvard. Democracy and Leadership, first published in 1924, is his only directly political book, and in it he applies the principles of humanism to the civil social order. Babbitt rejects

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Democracy and Liberty Volume 2 Democracy and Liberty Volume 2

William Edward Hartpole Lecky

Издател: Liberty Fund

"When democracy turns, as it often does, into a corrupt plutocracy, both national decadence and social revolution are being prepared." So wrote the Irish-born historian, W. E. H. Lecky (1838–1903) in this devastating assault on mass democracy. Lecky spoke for the landed gentry and the upper middle classes of late Victorian England when he

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Democracy and Liberty  Volume 1 Democracy and Liberty Volume 1

William Edward Hartpole Lecky

Издател: Liberty Fund

"When democracy turns, as it often does, into a corrupt plutocracy, both national decadence and social revolution are being prepared." So wrote the Irish-born historian, W. E. H. Lecky (1838–1903) in this devastating assault on mass democracy. Lecky spoke for the landed gentry and the upper middle classes of late Victorian England when he

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The Principles of Ethics, Volume I The Principles of Ethics, Volume I

Herbert Spencer

Издател: Liberty Fund

Spencer considered The Principles of Ethics to be his finest work. In volume I he covers the data of ethics, the inductions of ethics, and the ethics of individual life. In the second volume he covers the ethics of social life (or justice), negative beneficence, positive beneficence, and a number of topics in several appendices (such as Kant’s

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Книги: 731 - 740 от общо 3739