Катя Бекярова, Боян Велев, Иван Пипев
В учeбникa paзбиpaeмo и увлeкaтeлнo ce paзглeждaт ocнoвнитe тeчeния в иcтopиятa нa икoнoмичecкaтa миcъл. В oceмнaдeceт paздeлa ce...
Карл Попър
За книгата " Отвореното общество и неговите врагове" Карл Попър получава наградата на Американската...
Чрез даряването на сума по Ваше желание, можете да подпомогнете набавянето на нови заглавия и подобряване на предоставяните от нас услуги
Arthur Seldon
Издател: Liberty Fund
Everyman’s Dictionary of Economics, the third volume of The Collected Works of Arthur Seldon, translates the often obscure jargon and technical terminology of economics into direct, plain English understandable by both the academic and the layperson. The most abstruse topic becomes clear as he conveys the sense in ordinary language, without loss
1 глас, средно: 5 от 5
"Introducing Market Forces into “Public” Services is the fourth volume in Liberty Fund’s The Collected Works of Arthur Seldon. It brings together six of Seldon’s most pivotal essays that discuss his alternative proposals for paying for “public” services rather than through coercive taxation. Specifically, Seldon focuses on the varied
The State Is Rolling Back, the second volume of Liberty Fund’s The Collected Works of Arthur Seldon, brings together a comprehensive collection of fifty-four articles reflecting Arthur Seldon’s scholarly development. By the late twentieth century, Arthur Seldon was one of the most powerful exponents of classical liberalism, helping to
Simon Johnson , James Kwak
Издател: Pantheon Books
13 Bankers describes the rise of concentrated financial power and the threat it poses to our economic well-being. Over the past three decades, a handful of banks became spectacularly large and profitable and used their power and prestige to reshape the political landscape. By the late 1990s, the conventional wisdom in Washington was that what was
Зорница Славова , Петър Ганев
Издател: Прима принт ООД
За втора поредна година екипът на ИПИ в партньорство с Фондация за свободата „Фридрих Науман” систематизира в общо издание най-известните международни индекси за развитие, за да проследи
Friedrich von Hayek
Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.
In this collection of essays, some of which appear here in English for the first time, F. A. Hayek traces his intellectual roots to the Austrian School. The Fortunes of Liberalism: Essays on Austrian Economics and the Ideal of Freedom also links the Austrian School to the modern rebirth of classical liberal thought.
Лудвиг фон Мизес
Издател: Институт за радикален капитализъм
За читателите, които още не са се запознали с трудовете на един от най-проникновените умове на Австрия Лудвиг фон Мизес, лекциите, събрани в този сборник, са чудесна отправна точка. Те
Mauricio Rojas
Издател: Timbro
This book is a long reply to those wishing to put down the tragic problems of Argentina to liberal ideas and economic liberty.
Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay
Издател: A Signet Classic
The Federalist Papers, written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, brilliantly defend what was in their day a revolutionary charter—the Constitution of the United States. The Federalist Papers explain the complexities of a constitutional government—its political structure and principles based on the inherent rights of man.
Имън Бътлър
Издател: Институт за радикален капитализъм „Атлас”
"Книгата на Имън Бътлър по възпитителен и убедителен начин запознава читателите си с личността и мисленето на Адам Смит. Това е най-доброто публикувано досега въведение към творчеството му и
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