Популярни книги

Crisis Economics Crisis Economics

Nouriel Roubini, Stephen Mihm

Издател: Penguin Books

This myth shattering book reveals the methods Nouriel Roubini used to foretell the current crisis before other economists saw it coming and shows how those methods can help us make sense of the present and prepare for the future. Renowned economist Nouriel Roubini electrified his profession and the larger financial community by predicting the

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How to Become a Rainmaker How to Become a Rainmaker

Jeffrey J. Fox

Издател: Hyperion

Filled with smart tips given in the Fox signature style, counter- intuitive, controversial, and practiced, this hard-hitting collection of sales advice shows readers how to woo, pursue, and finally win any customer. In witty, succinct chapters, Fox offers surprising, daring, and totally practical wisdom that will help readers rise above the

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Ready, Fire, Aim Ready, Fire, Aim

Michael Masterson

Издател: John Wiley and Sons

"If you had the opportunity to work where, when, and with whom you wanted—all while getting paid very well—would you take it? Self-made multimillionaire and bestselling author Michael Masterson did, and with Ready, Fire, Aim he'll show you how to do the same. Whether you're thinking about starting a new business or growing an existing one,

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Dinero, Crédito Bancario y Ciclos Económicos Dinero, Crédito Bancario y Ciclos Económicos

Jesús Huerta de Soto (S)

Издател: Union Editorial, S.A.

En el presente libro, en su 5.ª edición, el profesor Huerta de Soto analiza críticamente los fundamentos económicos y jurídicos del actual sistema monetario y crediticio. Éste se caracteriza por su alto grado de intervencionismo y regulación, y se ha convertido en el talón de Aquiles de las economías modernas, como se demuestra en la

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How Customers Think How Customers Think

Gerald Zaltman

Издател: Harvard Business Press

How to unlock the hidden 95 per cent of the customer's mind that traditional marketing methods have never reached. This title provides practical synthesis of the cognitive sciences. Drawing heavily on psychology, neuroscience, sociology, and linguistics, Zaltman combines academic rigor with real-world results to offer highly accessible insights,

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Unleashing the Ideavirus Unleashing the Ideavirus

Seth Godin

Издател: Hyperion

In lively, detail, Godin looks at the ways companies such as PayPal, Hotmail, GeoCities, even Volkswagen have successfully launched ideaviruses. He offers a "recipe" for creating your own ideavirus, identifies the key factors in the successful spread of an ideavirus (powerful sneezers, hives, a clear vector, a smooth, friction-free transmission),

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Permission Marketing Permission Marketing

Seth Godin

Издател: Simon & Schuster

The man Business Week calls "the ultimate entrepreneur for the Information Age" explains "Permission Marketing" -- the groundbreaking concept that enables marketers to shape their message so that consumers will willingly accept it.

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Прокрустовото ложе: Философски и практически афоризми Прокрустовото ложе: Философски и практически афоризми

Насим Никълъс Талеб

Издател: ИнфоДар

Ако "Надхитрени от случайността" и "Черният лебед" са променили виждането ви за света, последната книга на Насим Никълъс Талеб "Прокрустовото ложе: Философски и практически афоризми" няма да

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Цената на правосъдието в България – оценка на обществените разходи за правосъдие и вътрешен ред 2009-2010 година Цената на правосъдието в България – оценка на обществените разходи за правосъдие и вътрешен ред 2009-2010 година

Георги Ангелов , Велислава Делчева

Издател: Институт „Отворено общество“

"Докладът „Цената на правосъдието в България – оценка на обществените разходи за правосъдие и вътрешен ред 2009-2010 г.", изготвен от специалисти на института „Отворено общество” съдържа

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Endogenous Growth Theory Endogenous Growth Theory

Philippe Aghion, Peter Howitt

Издател: The MIT Press

Advanced economies have experienced a tremendous increase in material well- being since the industrial revolution. Modern innovations such as personal computers, laser surgery, jet airplanes, and satellite communication have made us rich and transformed the way we live and work. But technological change has also brought with it a variety of social

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Книги: 821 - 830 от общо 3739