Популярни книги
Free Markets Under Siege
Richard A. Epstein
Издател: New Zeland Business Roundtable
In this paper, Richard A Epstein, Professor of Law at the University of Chicago, explains how there are substantial gains to be made from countries getting 'easy' policy decisions correct. Societies collapse and become impoverished when they do not accept the basic principles of freedom to contract and competition. Even in the developed world
iЛидерът Стив Джобс
Джей Елиът , Уилям Саймън
Издател: Локус Пъблишинг
Apple е в атака и всички искаме да разберем как го прави Стив!
„iЛидерът” е книга за начина, по който Стив Джобс изгражда успеха чрез вяра в своите възгледи, страст към технологиите и
The Founders' Constitution
Philip B. Kurland (ed.) , Ralph Lerner (ed.)
Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.
As you read through The U.S. Constitution with your 5 volume set of The Founders' Constitution, you will undoubtedly come across parts of the Constitution that you don't understand or just want to gain more insight on. This is where your newly acquired set of The Founders' Constitution will come in very handy. Simply flip to the Table of Contents,
The Founders' Constitution
Philip B. Kurland (ed.) , Ralph Lerner (ed.)
Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.
In this unique anthology, Philip B. Kurland and Ralph Lerner draw on the writings of a wide array of people engaged in the problem of making popular government safe, steady, and accountable. The documents included range from the early seventeenth century to the 1830s, from the reflections of philosophers to popular pamphlets, from public debates
The Founders' Constitution
Philip B. Kurland (ed.) , Ralph Lerner (ed.)
Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.
In this unique anthology, Philip B. Kurland and Ralph Lerner draw on the writings of a wide array of people engaged in the problem of making popular government safe, steady, and accountable. The documents included range from the early seventeenth century to the 1830s, from the reflections of philosophers to popular pamphlets, from public debates
The Meditations of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.
Marcus Aurelius' work Meditations, written in Greek while on campaign between 170 and 180, is still revered as a literary monument to a philosophy of service and duty, describing how to find and preserve equanimity in the midst of conflict by following nature as a source of guidance and inspiration. The meditations serve as an example of how
An Elegant and Learned Discourse of the Light of Nature
Nathaniel Culverwell
Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.
An Elegant and Learned Discourse of the Light of Nature is a concerted effort to find a middle way between the two extremes that dominated the religious dispute of the English civil war in the seventeenth century. At one extreme end of the spectrum was the antinomian assertion that the elect were redeemed by God’s free grace and thereby free
The Principles of Natural and Politic Law
Jean-Jacques Burlamaqui
Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.
The year 1694 saw the death of Samuel Pufendorf, who, with Hugo Grotius, was the foremost representative of the modern tradition of natural law theory, and the birth of Jean-Jacques Burlamaqui, who helped transform the tradition and convey it to new generations.
As professor of natural law in Geneva, Burlamaqui used Pufendorf’s works on natural
Книги: 871 - 880 от общо 3739