Популярни книги

Икономически теории Икономически теории

Нинел Кьосева

Издател: Нов български университет

Изданието представя историята на икономическата теория от гледна точка на еволюцията в аналитичната техника, на следването и приемствеността в развитието - от древността до наши дни.

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The American Commonwealth The American Commonwealth

James Bryce

Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.

In Democracy in America (1835) the Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville interpreted American society through the lens of democratic political theory. A half-century later the Scotsman James Bryce examined "the institutions and the people of America as they are." Bryce presented his findings in The American Commonwealth, first published in London in

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Речник на новите думи в българския език Речник на новите думи в българския език

Сия Колковска, Диана Благоева, Емилия Пернишка

Издател: Издателство "Наука и изкуство"

Речникът е богат и систематизиран документ за новостите в езика - в различна степен приемливи, но активно използвани. Източник е за справки, за езикови изследвания и кодификация, но и за

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Sketches of the History of Man Sketches of the History of Man

Henry Home, Lord Kames

Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.

Written late in his life, this 3 volume work deals with the idea of human progress. Vol. 1 deals with progress in property law, commerce, the treatment of women, and luxury. Vol. 2 deals with the development of states, government, and taxation. Vol. 3 deals with the progress of science.

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Sketches of the History of Man Sketches of the History of Man

Henry Home, Lord Kames

Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.

In the final book, Kames turns to an account of progress in the sciences of logic, morals, and theology. He seeks to vindicate the claim that “human understanding is in a progress towards maturity, however slow.” Throughout the entire work, Kames expounds on his fundamental hypothesis that at the beginning of the history of the human race,

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Essays on Church, State, and Politics Essays on Church, State, and Politics

Christian Thomasius

Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.

The essays selected here for translation derive largely from Thomasius’s work on Staatskirchenrecht, or the political jurisprudence of church law. These works, originating as disputations, theses, and pamphlets, were direct interventions in the unresolved issue of the political role of religion in Brandenburg-Prussia, a state in which a

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Philosophiae Moralis Institutio Compendiaria, with A Short Introduction to Moral Philosophy Philosophiae Moralis Institutio Compendiaria, with A Short Introduction to Moral Philosophy

Francis Hutcheson

Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.

This Liberty Fund publication of Philosophiae Moralis Institutio Compendiaria is a parallel edition of the English and Latin versions of a book designed by Hutcheson for use in the classroom. General Editor Knud Haakonssen remarks that “Hutcheson’s Institutio was written as a textbook for university students and it therefore covers a

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Икономикс Икономикс

Издател: Тракия - М

Учeбник пo икoнoмикc зa BУЗ.

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Международни финанси Международни финанси

Милчо Стоименов

Издател: Тракия - М

Предлаганото издание е предназначено за студенти, обучаващи се в икономическите университети по специалностите „Международни икономически отношения”, „Финанси” и „Бизнес

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Мотивация и личност Мотивация и личност

Ейбрахам Маслоу

Издател: Издателска къща "Кибеа"

"Moтивaция и личнoст" е нoвaтoрскa твoрбa нa един oт нaй-влиятелните и oригинaлни псиxoлoзи нa нaшетo време - Eйбрaxaм Maслoу. Bъпреки че първoтo издaние нa книгaтa излизa през 1954 г., нейните идеи oстaвaт все тaкa

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Книги: 941 - 950 от общо 3739