Константин Иречек
"Дневникът на Константин Иречек е запечатил рядка по своята достоверност и разнообразие картина на...
Георги Ангелов
В България рядко се учим от миналото и от чуждите грешки. Сегашната световна криза обаче е достатъчно тежка и...
Чрез даряването на сума по Ваше желание, можете да подпомогнете набавянето на нови заглавия и подобряване на предоставяните от нас услуги
James M. Buchanan
Издател: Liberty Fund
While this volume presents the important writings of James M. Buchanan on taxation and debt, Geoffrey Brennan makes it clear in the foreword that the thrust of Buchanan’s work in this area has been to integrate theories of taxation and debt with public-expenditure theory. Therefore, the editors strongly urge that the present volume on taxation
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J. Patrick Raines , Charles G. Leathers
Издател: Edward Elgar Publishing
In Debt, Innovations, and Deflation, the authors analyze the deflation theories of Thorstein Veblen, Irving Fisher, Joseph A. Schumpeter, and Hyman Minsky. In so doing, they develop a paradigm for understanding the phenomenon of deflation. They explain how technological, organizational, and financial innovations, combined with developments related
Irving Babbitt
Irving Babbitt was a leader of the intellectual movement called American Humanism, or the New Humanism, and a distinguished professor of French literature at Harvard. Democracy and Leadership, first published in 1924, is his only directly political book, and in it he applies the principles of humanism to the civil social order. Babbitt rejects
Alexis de Tocqueville
In 1831, Alexis de Tocqueville and his friend Gustave de Beaumont visited the United States on behalf of the French government to study American prisons. In their nine months in the U.S. they studied not just the prison system but every aspect of American life, public and private—the political, economic, religious, cultural, and above all social
Democracy in Deficit is one of the early comprehensive attempts to apply the basic principles of public-choice analysis to macroeconomic theory and policy. According to Robert D. Tollison in the foreword, “The central purpose of the book was to examine the simple precepts of Keynesian economics through the lens of public-choice theory. The
Merrill D. Peterson
Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.
In one volume, Democracy, Liberty, and Property provides an overview of the state constitutional conventions held in the 1820s. With topics as relevant today as they were then, this collection of essential primary sources sheds light on many of the enduring issues of liberty. Emphasizing the connection between federalism and liberty, the debates
Charlotte A. Twight
Издател: Palgrave Macmillan
Dependent on D.C. is a compelling new book that raises serious questions about the future of liberty in America. Charlotte A. Twight proves beyond doubt that the growth of dependence on government in the past seventy years has not been accidental, that its creation has been bipartisan, and that it is accelerating. She reveals a universal tactic
Charles R. Hulten (ed.)
Издател: The Uban Institute Press
Few areas of the U.S. Tax Code have been changed or revised more frequently than those sections relating to depreciable assets…Unfortunately, none of these changes anticipated the high rates of inflation of the 1970s, and the tax treatment of depreciable assets has once again surfaced as a major issue in the debate of tax reform. The basic
Brian Moynahan
Издател: Readers Digest
The 1929 Wall Street Crash set the tone for the decade - for many it was a struggle for survival. Yet for some there was prosperity. The spreading suburbs offered new homes, while cars and motorcycles gave freedom to millions. Cinema sparkled. But stormclouds were gathering: by the decade's end Britain was at war.
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