Henry Hazlitt
Калоян Стайков, Явор Алексиев
За четвърта поредна година екипът на ИПИ изготви конкретни препоръки за публичните политики в България....
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Frédéric Bastiat
Издател: The Foundation for Economic Education
Frédéric Bastiat has said that the Harmonies is a counterpart to Economic Sophisms, and, while the latter pulls down, the Harmonies builds up. Charles Gide and Charles Rist in a standard treatise, A History of Economic Doctrines, have referred to “the beautiful unity of conception of the Harmonies,” and added, “we are by no means certain
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James M. Buchanan
Издател: Liberty Fund
This volume presents a collection of Buchanan’s most representative works in economic method and analysis. As Robert D. Tollison points out in his foreword, “[Included] in this volume are some of [Buchanan’s] most often cited works on methodology, including papers reflecting his emphasis on the subjective nature of opportunity costs and the
Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Издател: Ludwig von Mises Institute
A definitive defense of the methodological foundations of Austrian economics. Hoppe sets the praxeological view (economics as a purely deductive science) against positivism, while taking the critics of the Austrian approach head on. Hans-Hermann Hoppe rests his argument on the Kantian idea of the "synthetic apriori" proposition, thereby expanding
Benjamin M. Anderson
Издател: Liberty Press
In the turbulent years between passage of the Federal Reserve Act (1913) and the Bretton Woods Agreement (1945), the peoples of the Western world suffered two World Wars, two major and several minor international financial panics, an epidemic of currency devaluations and debt repudiations, civil wars, and revolutions. They also enjoyed a decade of
John Sloman, Kevin Hinde, Dean Garratt
Издател: Financial Times/Prentice Hall
The fifth edition of Economics for Business has been completely overhauled to cover the current issues facing today’s business world. Up-to-date case studies covering everything from the credit crunch to the examination of specific businesses, such as Hotel Chocolat and the production of iPods, illustrate how economic theory relates to real
Gene Callahan
The second edition of the fun and fascinating guide to the main ideas of the Austrian School of economics, written in sparkling prose especially for the non-economist. Gene Callahan shows that good economics isn't about government planning or statistical models. It's about human beings and the choices they make in the real world. This may be the
Here is a publishing event: the new Mises Institute edition of the classic book that has taught many millions sound economic thinking. It is a hardbound volume, priced very low thanks to special benefactors, and now available in quantity discounts for distribution to your friends, family, and anyone you meet who needs to understand what economics
Издател: Laissez Faire Books
Have you ever been confused when politicians speak of tariffs and subsidies? Does talk of inflation make your head spin? Henry Hazlitt helps clear away the fog of economics in his book, “Economics In One Lesson". The one lesson is very simple: It’s all about looking at the unseen, as well as the seen. It’s about considering the opportunity
Gordon Tullock
Gordon Tullock delights in deploying rational-choice analysis effectively to areas widely considered to be outside the domain of economics. This volume illustrates the strength of this endeavor by reproducing the very best chapters from his controversial textbook The New World of Economics. It also highlights Tullock’s innovative contributions
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Mark Harrison
Издател: Education Forum
In Education Matters: Government, Markets and New Zealand Schools, Mark Harrison discusses the role of government and the market in education. Is education better run through political decision making or allowing parents to choose in a market setting? What is the best way to promote equity, efficiency and liberty; to protect children and
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