Soziale Marktwirtschaft-Sozialistische Planwirtschaft
Hannelore Hamel
Издател: Verlag Vahlen
Im Buch wird eine Parallele zwischen dem Wirtschaftssystem in der BRD, der sozialen Marktwirtschaft, und diesem in der DDR, der sozialistischen Planwirtschaft, gemacht. Es wird auf die Regeln akzentiert, die für das menschliche Zusammneleben nötig sind.
Structural Change in the Farming Sectors in the Central and Eastern Europe
Издател: Тhe World Bank
This volume examines the reforms and policy changes necessary in the food and agriculture sectors of the ten countries that have started the accession process for eventual membership in the EU ( Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia). The papers in this volume are selected from the
Swedish Lessons
Nick Cowen
Издател: Civitas
Swedish Lessons concludes that the government should allow an equivalent to friskolor (Free Schools) to open in England: non-selective independent schools that are exempt from the National Curriculum. They should not be permitted to charge fees and should be reimbursed out of local authority budgets for each pupil that attends. Families should be
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