Economics as a Process
Richard Langlois
Издател: Cambridge University Press
The essays in Economics as a Process are all concerned with exploring theoretical approaches alternative to the conventional or 'neoclassical' paradigm. The essays are united not by a single topic but by a coherent set of themes - themes best described under the heading of the New Institutional Economics.
Effective Letters in Business
Robert L. Shurter , Donald J. Leonard
Издател: McGraw-Hill Ryerson
This book is infeqjfed to present the fundamental principles of the major types of biismesS letters and to assist the student or correspondent in learning these principles by numerous examples and exercises. It grew out of a conviction that there is a need for a comparatively brief text whose scope would be halfway between the sketchy handbook
Издател: European Commission
Книги: 61 - 70 от общо 342