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Financijska praksa Financijska praksa


Издател: Institut za JAVNE financije

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Financing Government in the Transition: Bulgaria Financing Government in the Transition: Bulgaria

Издател: The World Bank

The IFC's new Global Agriculture Series features sectoral presentations of industry trends with specific emphasis on the developing countries. The series highlights the increasing importance of developing countries in the world economy as rapidly expanding markets and as competitive production bases. The information reported underlines the strong

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Financing Private Infrastructure Financing Private Infrastructure

Издател: The World Bank

This report articulates the lessons of IFC's experience in mobilizing financing for private infrastructure projects in the developing world. It discusses the issues involved in arriving at workable project structures, the approaches available to countries that want to pursue this route, and the obstacles that may arise. The report includes country

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Finanzwissenschaft Finanzwissenschaft

Horst Zimmermann, Klaus-Dirk Henke

Издател: Verlag Vahlen

Das Buch ist eines der bedeutendsten Lehrwerke in Finanzwissenschaft im deutsprachigen Raum, es wird von den Professoren an mehreren bekannten Universiäteten als Basisliteratur verwendet und ist schon in mehreren Auflagen erschienen.

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Fiscal decentralization in Estonia Fiscal decentralization in Estonia

Tarvo Kungla

Издател: Open society institute

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Fixed or flexible? Fixed or flexible?

Francesco Caramazza, Jahangir Aziz

Издател: International monetary fund

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Книги: 281 - 290 от общо 1118