
Institutions and economic change Institutions and economic change

Издател: Edward Elgar

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Instruments of the money market Instruments of the money market

Jimmie Monhollon

Издател: Federal Reserve of Richmond

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Intellectual property frontiers Intellectual property frontiers

Издател: Stockholm network

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Intergenerational Tranfers Under Community Rating Intergenerational Tranfers Under Community Rating

David Bradford, Derrick Max

Издател: The AEI Press

Government mandates and other regulations can achieve the effect of spending and tax-transfer programs--without being accounted for in the federal budget. In the 1993-1994 debate over health care reform, for example, it was widely recognized that requiring employers to provide insurance to their employees was the equivalent of a tax on employers

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International capital markets International capital markets

Издател: International monetary fund

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International conference on corporate governance and company law International conference on corporate governance and company law

Издател: Central and east european law initive

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Книги: 381 - 390 от общо 1118