Фридрих Август фон Хайек
В „Пътят към робството” (1944) Фридрих фон Хайек разглежда зависимостта между планирането на икономиката и...
The Economist
Rare is the style guide that a person--even a word person--would want to read cover to cover. But The Economist Style Guide, designed, as the book says, to promote good writing, is so witty and...
Чрез даряването на сума по Ваше желание, можете да подпомогнете набавянето на нови заглавия и подобряване на предоставяните от нас услуги
Издател: The AEI Press
At the Congress of Phoenix held in May 1997, the New Atlantic Initiative (NAI) brought together world leaders, academics, journalists, and government officials from the United States and Europe to explore subjects vital to the future security and prosperity of democratic nations on both sides of the Atlantic. This volume presents commentary by
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Mark Neal, Christie Davies
Издател: The Social Affairs Unit
Издател: International center for economic growth
Donald R. Winkler
Издател: The world bank
Carlos Langoni
Издател: ICS Press
Nagy Hanna; Ken Guy; Erik Arnold
Издател: U. S. International Trade Commission
Shepard B. Clough, Theodore F. Marburg
Издател: Thomas Y. Crowell company
George Psacharopoulos
Издател: International Center for Economic Growth
The book presents a review of the evidence of the economic impact of education produced in the past thirty years. The field is not without controversy so the major debates have been followed here.
Книги: 711 - 720 от общо 1118