The Theory of Economic Growth
W. Arthur Lewis
Издател: Harper Torchbooks
The Theory of Economic Growth offers a comprehensive framework for viewing economic change and gives an overview of a subject that had not had a general overview, in Lewis's opinion, since John Stuart Mill published his "Principles of Political Economy" in 1848.
The Transfer Society
David N. Laband , George C. McClintock
Издател: CATO
From advertising descriptions of this small book (eighty-three pages of text) by David Laband and George McClintock, one is led to believe that The Transfer Society estimates what economists have come to refer to as rent-seeking costs. The authors themselves do not use this term until late in the book (chap. 5), and it is not clear whether they
The U.S. Financial System
George Kaufman
Издател: Prentice Hall
The sixth edition of THE U.S. FINANCIAL SYSTEM: MONEY, MARKETS, AND INSTITUTIONS has been revised and thoroughly updated to incorporate both the many dramatic structural, legislative, regulatory, and operational changes that have occurred at almost breathtaking speed in recent years and the comments and suggestions of users of the earlier
The Uncertain Promise of Retiree Health Benefits
Mark Warshawsky
Издател: Тhe AEI Press
The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) established a federal program to insure that an employee received promised pension benefits when the employee's pension plan is underfunded. Unfortunately, the protections provided by ERISA do not extend to retiree health benefits. With the aging of the working population and the rising
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