Value-Added Tax
Alan Tait
Издател: International Monetary Fund
Тhis book is thought for people that works in the government administration of taxes, for economists of public finances or perhaps for the bureaus of lawyers as a complement to the legal point of view. There are discussiosn about most of the controversial topics of the VAT and which have been the solutions adopted in different countries that
Verdict on the Crash: Causes and Policy Implications
Издател: IEA
This book challenges the myth that the recent banking crisis was caused by insufficient statutory regulation of financial markets. Though it finds that statutory regulation failed, and that market participants took more risks than they should have done, it appears that statutory regulation made matters worse rather than better.
Furthermore the
Weltwirtschaft im Umbruch
Theodor Dams
Издател: Verlag Ploetz Freiburg
Die Sondertagung der UNO über Rohstoff- und Entwicklungsprobleme hat am 2. Mai 1974 der Errichtung einer neuen Wletwirtschaftsordnung zugestimmt; sie soll u.a. angemessene und gerechtere Preisrelationen zwischen Ein- und Ausfuhren der Entwicklungsländer festlegen. Was kann der Westen, was kann insbesondere die Bundesrepublik tun, um den in
What Everyone Should Know About Economics and Prosperity
James Gwartney , Richard L. Stroup
Издател: The Fraser Institute
WE REALIZE THAT YOUR TIME IS VALUABLE. Most of you do not want to spend a lot of time learning new terms, memorizing formulas, or mastering details that are important only to professional economists. What you want are the insights of economics that really matter-those that will help you make better personal choices and enhance your understanding
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