Statistics and econometrics
Short-Term Economic Statistics: Central and Eastern Europe
Издател: OECD
Provides a wide range of statistics covering such topics as industrial output, sales, prices, imports and exports, employment and wages, and financial data for Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, and Romania. The data, similar to those found in OECD's monthly "Main Economic Indicators," are monthly wherever possible and cover the period
Solving Linear Rational Expectations Models
Gary Anderson
Издател: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
This paper compares the functionality, accuracy, computational efficiency, and practicalities of alternative approaches to solving linear rational expectations models, including the procedures of (Sims, 1996), (Anderson and Moore, 1983), (Binder and Pesaran, 1994), (King and Watson, 1998), (Klein, 1999), and (Uhlig, 1999). While all six prcedures
Taxation with Representation
Bryon Lutz
Издател: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Economic theory predicts that unconditional intergovernmental grant income and private income are perfectly fungible. Despite this prediction, the literature on fiscal federalism documents that grant and private income are empirically non-equivalent. A large scale school finance reform in New Hampshire — the typical school district experienced a
The Choice at the Checkout
Ron Borzekowski , Elizabeth Kiser
Издател: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Dramatic changes have occurred in the U.S. payment system over the past two decades, most notably an explosion in electronic card-based payments. Not surprisingly, this shift has been accompanied by a series of policy debates, all of which hinge critically on understanding consumer behavior at the point of sale. Using a new nationally
The Evolution of Tax Evasion in the Czech Republic
Jan Hanousek , Filip Palda
Издател: CERGE-EI
A dataset of 1062 individuals from the Czech Republic is used to forecast the evolution of tax evasion in that country. We ask each respondent how intensely (never, sometimes, often) he evaded taxes in 1995, 1999, and 2000, to calculate probabilities the average individual will move between these categories of evasion in any given year. These
The Price of Residential Land in Large U.S. Cities
Моrris Davis , Michael Palumbo
Издател: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Combining data from several sources, we build a database of home values, the cost of housing structures, and residential land values for 46 large U.S. metropolitan areas from 1984 to 2004. Our analysis of these new data reveal that since the mid-1980s residential land values have appreciated over a much wider range of cities than is commonly
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