Transition economics
Trends in Developing Economies
Издател: The World Bank
Trends in Developing Economies (TIDE) provides brief reports on most of the World Bank's borrowing countries. This compendium of individual country economic trends complements the World Bank's World Development Report, which looks at major global and regional economic trends and their implications for the future prospects of the developing
Weltwirtschaft im Umbruch
Theodor Dams
Издател: Verlag Ploetz Freiburg
Die Sondertagung der UNO über Rohstoff- und Entwicklungsprobleme hat am 2. Mai 1974 der Errichtung einer neuen Wletwirtschaftsordnung zugestimmt; sie soll u.a. angemessene und gerechtere Preisrelationen zwischen Ein- und Ausfuhren der Entwicklungsländer festlegen. Was kann der Westen, was kann insbesondere die Bundesrepublik tun, um den in
Wirtschaftssysteme im Umbruch
Dieter Cassel
Издател: Verlag Vahlen
Im Buch werden die zwei Gesellschaftsysteme des 20. Jahrhunderts, der Sozialismus und der Kapitalismus, gegenübergestellt und die möglichen Ursache für die Überlegenheit des Kapitalismus diskutiert.
World Development Report 1993
Издател: The World Bank
The World Development Report is produced on an annual basis and is the Bank's major analytical publication. Each year it focuses on a particular aspect of development selected by the Bank's president. Each World Development Report team is led by a senior Bank staff member who is supported by a team of staff and consultants, under the guidance of
World Investment Directory
Издател: United Nations
The World Investment Directory provides detail information about foreign direct investment in a country, comprising detail statistics on flows, stocks and TNC operations, disaggregated by components, industry and investor/recipient country.
Какво се случи?
Андрей Райчев , Кънчо Стойчев
Издател: "Изток Запад“
Читателят, който има търпението да се разходи с нас по 'гънките' на една локална история, ненадейно ще получи няколко екстри: ще се запознае с ДЗНВР - едно колективно чудовище, съставено от
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