Обществено-политически науки

Europe from Below

An East-West dialogue

Издател : Verso

Място на издаване : New York, USA

Година на издаване : 1991

ISBN : 0-86091-305-8

Брой страници : 224

Език : Английски


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The democratic revolutions of 1989 were greeted with euphoria. They seemed to offer the prospect of a united, democratic and peaceful Europe. The reality, however, seems to be turning out quite differently. The countries of East-Central Europe face severe economic and ecological problems. New nationalist, authoritarian and exclusivist tendencies are emerging everywhere. The Soviet Union is in turmoil. The countries of Western Europe show little interest in integrating Eastern Europe into the European Community. The old military division of Europe is being replaced by a new economic division between a rich consumerist West and a poor, ecologically devastated East, riven by conflict.

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