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Institutions, Contracts and Organizations
Claude Menard
Издател: Еdward Elgar Publishing
This outstanding book, now available in paperback, presents new original contributions from some of the world's leading economists including Ronald Coase, Douglass North, Masahiko Aoki, Oliver E. Williamson and Harold Demsetz. It demonstrates the extent and depth of the New Institutional Economics research program which is having a worldwide
International Property Rights Index
Издател: Аlliance
The 2010 International Property Rights Index (IPRI) is an international comparative study that measures the significance of both physical and intellectual property rights and their protection for economic well-being. In order to incorporate and grasp the important aspects related to property rights protection, the Index focuses on three areas:
Introduction to Taxation
Steven Rice
Издател: College Division South-Western Publishing Co.
Introduction to Taxation is intended as the primary text for a first course in taxation at the undergraduate level. The text strives to focus on the explanation of taxation concepts rather than to serve as a reference book. With the use of many examples, clear explanations and diagrams, author, Steven Rice, emphasizes the decision making aspects
Journal of Health Economics
Издател: North-Holand
This journal seeks articles related to the economics of health and medical care. Its scope includes the following topics: production of health and health services; demand and utilization of health services; financing of health services; measurement of health; behavioral models of demanders, suppliers and other health care agencies; manpower
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