Фридрих Август фон Хайек
„Читателят, който ще бъде впечатлен от хода и свежестта на аргументацията в тази нова книга, от енергичния...
Николай Бердяев
Томът обхваща "Смисълът на творчеството" в превод на Наталия Занева и "Кризата на изкуството" в превод на Надя...
Чрез даряването на сума по Ваше желание, можете да подпомогнете набавянето на нови заглавия и подобряване на предоставяните от нас услуги
H. E. Frech III, Richard D. Miller Jr.
Издател: The AEI Press
Much work has been done analyzing the determinants of health care expenditures. Much less effort has been devoted to analyzing the determinants of health itself. The focus of the analysis presented here is the production of health, with special attention paid to disaggregating health into pharmaceuticals and other health care. We also analyze the
0 гласа, средно: 0 от 5
Dov Ronen
Издател: Yale University Press
Dov Ronen proposes in this interpretive essay that ethnic nationalism is simply the newest form of a basic human drive for self-determination that has been manifested in four other movements since the French Revolution: nineteenth-century nationalism, Marxist-Leninist class self-determination, self-determination for minorities as espoused by
Bjørn Lomborg
Издател: The sir Ronald Trotter lecture
Ben B. Seligman
Издател: Quadrangle books
Arthur Seldon
Издател: IEA
Alena Zemplínerová
Издател: WIIW
Издател: The Foundation for Economic Education
An anthology of essays and articles on the freedom movement in American history.
Издател: NU-Spaarpas
Издател: Atlas Economic Research Foundation
The Templeton Freedom Awards is the largest international prize program that celebrates think tank contributions to the understanding of freedom. The Atlas Economic Research Foundation has launched the Templeton Freedom Awards program in 2003, thanks to a generous funding from the John Templeton Foundation. The late Sir John Templeton once
Peter Havlik
Книги: 231 - 240 от общо 403