Джон Ролс
Номинирана като Национална книга на САЩ за 1972 г. Спечелила наградата Ралф Уолдо Емерсън. Отличена като една...
Румен Аврамов
Книгата е пътуване из икономическата култура на първия български капитализъм, оформяла се от...
Чрез даряването на сума по Ваше желание, можете да подпомогнете набавянето на нови заглавия и подобряване на предоставяните от нас услуги
Издател: Centre for South Eastern European studies
0 гласа, средно: 0 от 5
Europe’s World is the only independent Europe-wide policy journal, produced in association with some 130-plus leading European think tanks and academic institutions. Since its launch in 2005 it has become the premier ideas platform for new thinking on political, economic and social issues, read by over 100,000 of the most influential decision
Douglas J. Besharov, Peter Germanis, Peter H. Rossi
Издател: The University of Maryland
Raimund Dietz
Издател: WIIW
Peter Havlik
Leon Podkaminer; Hermine Vidovic
Joseph Pechman
Издател: Тhe Brookings Institution
This fifth edition of Federal Tax Policy, like its predecessors, is intended to explain such issues so that the interested citizen may better understand and contribute to public discussion of tax policy. This edition reflects tax developments between 1983 and 1987 and emphasizes the newer issues: comprehensive income taxation, the effects of
Издател: United Nations
A report documenting the major shifts that have taken place in partnership and reproductive behavior patterns in Slovenia based on a long-term sample survey research program, initiated in 1989, conducted by the Population Activities Unit of the UN Economic Commission for Europe. Covers general issues; economic, social, and cultural trends;
David Bordwell, Kristin Thompson
Издател: МcGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Known for its outstanding scholarship and comprehensive coverage, Bordwell and Thompson's Film Art provides a firm foundation for introductory film courses. It explains the techniques specific to film as a medium, discusses the principles by which entire films are constructed, and explores how these techniques and formal principles have changed
Издател: The World Bank
Книги: 71 - 80 от общо 403