Ъруин Шиф
В "Как се развива икономиката" (и защо изпада в криза), Ъруин Шиф, специалист по федералния данък върху дохода...
Ханс Йорг Тиме
Целта на тази книга е да допринесе за по-доброто разбиране на начина на функциониране на социалната пазарна...
Чрез даряването на сума по Ваше желание, можете да подпомогнете набавянето на нови заглавия и подобряване на предоставяните от нас услуги
Stefan Fölster, Nima Sanandaji
Издател: Timbro/Institute of Economic Affairs
In Renaissance for Reforms Nima Sanandaji and Stefan Fölster show that, in spite of initial resistance to market reforms, governments that implement them are rewarded by voters. This finding is true for both centre-right and left-leaning parties. However, the strongest finding, which goes against conventional wisdom, is that left-leaning
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Yegor Gaidar
Издател: The MIT Press
It is not so easy to take the long view of socioeconomic history when you are participating in a revolution. For that reason, Russian economist Yegor Gaidar put aside an early version of this work to take up a series of government positions--as Minister of Finance and as Boris Yeltsin’s acting Prime Minister--in the early 1990s. In government,
Vittorio Corbo, Sang-Mok Suh
Издател: The Johns Hopkins University Press
This book presents the results of a research project, sponsored jointly by the World Bank and the Korea Development Institute, which studied Korea's macroeconomic adjustment in the period following the oil shocks.
Charles Goyette
Издател: Portfolio
"THE DOLLAR MELTDOWN is a book about the financial future and what you can do about it. And you can do something! You don’t have to be a financial professional, expose yourself to risky leverage, or worry about every tick of the markets… Once you understand the nature of the crisis you will discover that there are common-sense steps you can
Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs
Издател: European Commission, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs
“A joint Commission/ECB/IMF mission met with the Greek authorities in Athens on 27 January–11 February 2011. The mission assessed compliance with the terms and conditions of the Third Review under the economic adjustment programme and updated conditionality for the next reviews. Completion of the review will release the fourth tranche of
Llewellyn H. Rockwell
Издател: Ludwig von Mises Institute
This collection of short, entertaining, and educational articles exposes how government interference with the economy violates individual liberty, leads to inefficiencies, and rewards special interests. This collection appeared in 1991 and it holds up very well. Some people swear that this is one of the best collections ever printed by the Mises
William Easterly
Since the end of World War II, economists have tried to figure out how poor countries in the tropics could attain standards of living approaching those of countries in Europe and North America. Attempted remedies have included providing foreign aid, investing in machines, fostering education, controlling population growth, and making aid loans as
Jeffrey Sachs
Издател: Penguin Books
Sachs, economist and advisor to the UN, offers a blueprint for eliminating--by 2025--the hunger and extreme poverty responsible for millions around the world dying because of disease and lack of drugs. With a foreward by rock star Bono, this book tells how to achieve the goal of a world safe from poverty and the terrorism it feeds. He explains how
Robert E. Hall, Alvin Rabushka
Издател: Hoover Institution Press
The Hall–Rabushka flat tax is a fully developed flat tax on consumption designed by American economists Robert Halland Alvin Rabushka at the Hoover Institution. Loosely speaking, Hall–Rabushka accomplishes this by taxing incomeand then excluding investment. An individual could file a Hall–Rabushka tax return on a postcard. The
Anders Åslund, Simeon Djankov
Издател: Peterson Institute for International Economics
Twenty-five years after the fall of communism, the Peterson Institute for International Economics has published a new collection of analytical histories by the economic policymakers who themselves led reform of the former Soviet bloc countries. The authors conclude that rapid and bold economic modernization brought greater success than a slower,
Книги: 51 - 60 от общо 127