Румен Аврамов, Венцислав Антонов
В изданието са включени публикации за „икономиката на прехода” в България през периода 1991-1994 г. Редакторите...
Валентин Александров
Няма друг българин, за когото творческият ъндърграунд да е написал подобна проста и велика ода. Няма друг...
Чрез даряването на сума по Ваше желание, можете да подпомогнете набавянето на нови заглавия и подобряване на предоставяните от нас услуги
Vincent Barry
Издател: Wadsworth Publishing Company
One of the most popular business ethics books available, MORAL ISSUES IN BUSINESS, guides readers in thinking deeply about important moral issues that frequently arise in business situations and helps them develop the reasoning and analytical skills to resolve those issues. Combining insightful and accessible textbook chapters by the authors,
0 гласа, средно: 0 от 5
Charles A. D'Ambrosio, Stewart D. Hodges
Издател: McGraw-Hill
This guide gives students a complete learning resource. It includes solutions to all Practice Problems and Challenge Problems from the text, an introduction to each chapter, key concepts, examples, chapter summaries, and chapter exercises with solutions.
Thomas L. Wheelen, J. David Hunger
Издател: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
This comprehensive book offers an engaging look into new and traditional strategic management topics. Its thorough coverage helps readers develop an understanding of the wide range of theories and research available in this field--from competitive strategy and industry analysis to environmental trends and ethics. Integration of international
Ralph Nader, William Taylor
Издател: Pantheon Books
Consumer advocate Nader and his coauthor here offer a lively, well-researched attempt to unmask the little-known leaders of nine major U.S. corporations. Three subjects (including GM chairman Roger Smith) refused interview requests, but the others agreed to talk and sometimes engaged in provocative discussion of their careers, their companies and
Mark Green, Robert Massie, Jr.
Издател: The Pilgrim Press
The mercantile values of the modern giant corporations shape more than market forces in their image. They pervade government politics, law, taxation, environment, education, communcations, foundations, athleticsm and even institutions formerly believed to be outside their influence, such as the family or organized religion. Indeed, both in space
Roberta Romano
Издател: The AEI Press
The author examines the structure of the corporate charter market, the impact of takeover regulation and federal securities law, and the spreading of criminalization of corporate duties. The genius of American corporate law lies in its federal organization. State competition for revenues from corporate charters has produced a system that, for the
Scott Berkun
Издател: O'Reilly Media
In this new edition of the classic bestseller, the author Scott Berkun will show you how to transcend the false stories that many business experts, scientists, and much of pop culture use to guide their thinking about how ideas change the world. Since its initial publication, this classic bestseller has been discussed on NPR, MSNBC, CNBC, and at
2 гласа, средно: 5 от 5
Paul Ormerod
Издател: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
From the best-selling author of The Death of Economics and Butterfly Economics, a ground-breaking look at a truth all too seldom acknowledged: most commercial and public policy ventures will not succeed. WorldCom, Enron, Yamaichi, Equitable Life, Andersen, Parmalat, Shell . . . Around the world, corporate scandal - and full-scale collapse - has
Издател: Университетско издателство „Стопанство" - УНСС
Авторският колектив в състав: Свободка Класова, Пенчо Иванов, лиляна Станкович, Лидия Станкова, Галина Младенова, Велина Балева, Найден Найденов, Лиляна Василева, Боян Дуранкев и Ангел Геров,
Тревър Меридън
Издател: Сиела & Дневник
В "Да правим бизнес като Nokia" Тревър Меридън разкрива как Nokia от скромeн фабрикант за хартия се превръща в световен производител на телекомуникационния пазар. Да правим бизнес като Nokia
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