История на икономическата мисъл
Public Finance in Democratic Process: Fiscal Institutions and Individual Choice
Издател: Liberty Fund
Public Finance in Democratic Process is James M. Buchanan’s monumental work that outlines the dynamics of individual choice as it is displayed in the process of public finance.
Buchanan is perhaps nowhere more clearly a disciple of the great Swedish economist Knut Wicksell than he is in the underlying principles of this seminal work.
Public Principles of Public Debt: A Defense and Restatement
James M. Buchanan
Издател: Liberty Fund
Public Principles of Public Debt is one of James M. Buchanan’s most important and influential books. The radical idea he conceived was that: our reliance on public debt has amassed a sort of orthodoxy that is commonly—and needlessly—assumed by taxpayers, by politicians, and by economists themselves.
Buchanan dismisses the nearly
Realizing Freedom
Tom Palmer
Издател: Cato Institute
What is freedom? How is freedom related to justice, law, property, peace, and prosperity? Tom Palmer has spent a lifetime-as a scholar, teacher, journalist, and activist-asking and answering these questions. His best writings are now collected in Realizing Freedom: Libertarian Theory, History, and Practice. Palmer's work ranges from the theory of
Recent Literature on Interest
Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk
Издател: Ludwig von Mises Institute
This book by Eugen von Boehm-Bawerk is a supplement to his two great books, Capital and Interest and The Positive Theory of Capital. Here he takes on alternatives to the Austrian theory he had previously presented, and thereby clarifies the case. It is an excellent illustration of the economist's stunning patience and capacity for thorough
Reconstructia libertatii eseuri critice de Walter Block
Walter Block
Издател: Libertas Publishing
Libertas Publishing a tipărit Reconstrucţia libertăţii, o colecţie de zece articole în care Walter Block se foloseşte de învăţaturile Şcolii austriece de drept şi economie pentru a ne arăta ce e în neregulă, de ce şi cum ar trebui făcute lucrurile de fapt, când vine vorba despre proprietate, regimul armelor, ecologie, muncă,
Reflections on the Revolution in France
Edmund Burke
Издател: Liberty Fund
Volume 2 consists of Burke's most renowned work, Reflections on the Revolution in France. In it, he excoriates French revolutionary leaders for recklessly destroying France's venerable institutions and way of life. He attempts not only to explain the events of the new revolution to his readers but also to persuade them that the revolution menaces
Religion: Foundation of the Free Society
Edmund A. Opitz
Издател: The Foundation for Economic Education
In this book, Opitz explores the way in which religious belief is not only compatible with the free society, but is an essential part of its history and operation. The book starts with the “religious roots” of liberty, from the Bible through to the contemporary role of churches. The other two sections examine issues of individual freedom
Risk, Uncertainty and Profit
Frank H. Knight
Издател: Dover Publications, Inc.
This revolutionary work taught the world how to systematically distinguish between risk -- randomness with knowable probabilities -- and uncertainty -- randomness with unknowable probabilities -- in order to accurately and properly ascertain a venture's potential profitability. Knight's methodology served as the foundation of the Chicago School of
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