История на икономическата мисъл
The Age of the Economist
Daniel R. Fusfeld
Издател: Scott, Foresman and Company
Written especially for students with a limited background in economics, this book explains how a market economy functions through an historical overview of economics. It discusses the major schools of economic thought and ideas of the leading economists of each period. Updated throughout, the book emphasizes the relationship between economic
The Anti-capitalistic Mentality
Ludwig von Mises
Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.
In The Anti-capitalistic Mentality, the respected economist Ludwig von Mises plainly explains the causes of the irrational fear and hatred many intellectuals and others feel for capitalism. In five concise chapters, he traces the causation of the misunderstandings and resultant fears that cause resistance to economic development and social change.
The Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle and Other Essays
Richard M. Ebeling
Издател: Ludwig von Mises Institute
New edition with an introduction by Roger Garrison and an index. Booms and busts are not endemic to the free market, argues the Austrian theory of the business cycle, but come about through manipulation of money and credit by central banks. In this monograph, Austrian giants explain and defend the theory against alternatives. Includes essays by
The Bastiat Collection
Frédéric Bastiat
Издател: Ludwig von Mises Institute
The world has always needed this: a gigantic collection of Bastiat's greatest work in a single, super-handy pocket edition, at a ridiculously affordable price. All of the best essays by this giant of liberty are here, 1000 plus pages of it, but in a compact package that it is still easy to read. In fact, it is a joy to hold and even more to read
The Calculus of Consent: Logical Foundations of Constitutional Democracy
James M. Buchanan
Издател: Liberty Fund
The Calculus of Consent was co-authored by Buchanan with Gordon Tullock, with whom Buchanan collaborated on many books and academic enterprises throughout their careers. As Robert D. Tollison states in the foreword, “[this book] is a radical departure from the way democracies conduct their business. The Calculus is already a book for the
The Collected Works of Henry G. Manne
Henry G. Manne
Издател: Liberty Fund
As the founder of the Center for Law and Economics at George Mason University and dean emeritus of the George Mason School of Law, Henry G. Manne is one of the founding scholars of law and economics as a discipline. This three-volume collection includes articles, reviews, and books from more than four decades, featuring Wall Street in Transition,
The Collected Works of Henry G. Manne
Henry G. Manne
Издател: Liberty Fund
As the founder of the Center for Law and Economics at George Mason University and dean emeritus of the George Mason School of Law, Henry G. Manne is one of the founding scholars of law and economics as a discipline. This three-volume collection includes articles, reviews, and books from more than four decades, featuring Wall Street in Transition,
The Collected Works of Henry G. Manne
Henry G. Manne
Издател: Liberty Fund
As the founder of the Center for Law and Economics at George Mason University and dean emeritus of the George Mason School of Law, Henry G. Manne is one of the founding scholars of law and economics as a discipline. This three-volume collection includes articles, reviews, and books from more than four decades, featuring Wall Street in Transition,
The Constitution of Liberty
Friedrich von Hayek
Издател: University of Chicago Press
From the $700 billion bailout of the banking industry to president Barack Obama’s $787 billion stimulus package to the highly controversial passage of federal health-care reform, conservatives and concerned citizens alike have grown increasingly fearful of big government. Enter Nobel Prize–winning economist and political theorist F. A. Hayek,
The Correspondence of Adam Smith
Adam Smith
Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.
This volume offers an engaging portrait of Smith through more than four hundred letters; also included are appendices with Smith's thoughts on the "Contest with America" and a collection of letters from Jeremy Bentham.
Книги: 171 - 180 от общо 302