История на икономическата мисъл

The Political Economy of International Reform and Reconstruction The Political Economy of International Reform and Reconstruction

Ludwig von Mises

Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.

When he fled Austria in 1934, Ludwig von Mises left behind a wealth of writings that, he supposed, were lost forever. Seized by the Nazi Gestapo, the papers were subsequently captured by the Soviet KGB and were archived in Moscow. Their discovery in 1996, by Professors Richard and Anna Ebeling of Hillsdale College, received widespread attention.

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The Political Economy of International Reform and Reconstruction The Political Economy of International Reform and Reconstruction

Ludwig von Mises

Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.

When he fled Austria in 1934, Ludwig von Mises left behind a wealth of writings that, he supposed, were lost forever. Seized by the Nazi Gestapo, the papers were subsequently captured by the Soviet KGB and were archived in Moscow. Their discovery in 1996, by Professors Richard and Anna Ebeling of Hillsdale College, received widespread attention.

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The Politics of Freedom The Politics of Freedom

David Boaz

Издател: Cato Institute

Is it any wonder that Americans have become so dissatisfied with government today? Politicians have given us soaring federal spending, rampant violations of our constitutional rights, a futile war in Iraq, corruption, incompetence, and a growing nanny state. Now one of the leading libertarian critics of big government raises the flag of freedom.

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The Positive Theory of Capital The Positive Theory of Capital

Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk

Издател: Ludwig von Mises Institute

This is the second book in the series of Boehm-Bawerk translations by Scottish economist William Smart, originally published in 1891. It is, as the title suggests, the positive theory of capital. It begins with full front matter by Smart himself, and then we come to book one: The Nature and Conception of Capital. Six sections follow: Capital as

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The Pure Theory of Capital  The Pure Theory of Capital

Friedrich von Hayek

Издател: Ludwig von Mises Institute

The Pure Theory of Capital, F. A. Hayek’s long-overlooked, little-understood volume, was his most detailed work in economic theory. Originally published in 1941 when fashionable economic thought had shifted to John Maynard Keynes, Hayek’s manifesto of capital theory is now available again for today’s students and economists to

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The Pure Theory of Capital  The Pure Theory of Capital

Friedrich von Hayek

Издател: Liberty Fund Inc.

The Pure Theory of Capital, F. A. Hayek’s long-overlooked, little-understood volume, was his most detailed work in economic theory. Originally published in 1941 when fashionable economic thought had shifted to John Maynard Keynes, Hayek’s manifesto of capital theory is now available again for today’s students and economists to discover.

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The Reason of Rules: Constitutional Political Economy The Reason of Rules: Constitutional Political Economy

James M. Buchanan

Издател: Liberty Fund

In his foreword, Robert D. Tollison identifies the main objective of Geoffrey Brennan and James M. Buchanan’s The Reason of Rules: “. . . a book-length attempt to focus the energies of economists and other social analysts on the nature and function of the rules under which ordinary political life and market life function.” In persuasive

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The Right and Wrong of Compulsion by the State and Other Essays The Right and Wrong of Compulsion by the State and Other Essays

Auberon Herbert

Издател: Liberty Fund

Auberon Herbert (1838–1906) is an eloquent, forceful, and uncompromising defender of liberty—indeed, in the judgment of Richard M. Ebeling he is "one of the most important and articulate advocates of liberty in the last two hundred years." Herbert was a major participant in the profound and wide-ranging intellectual ferment of the late

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The Road to Serfdom The Road to Serfdom

Friedrich von Hayek

Издател: Routledge

The Road to Serfdom remains one of the all-time classics of twentieth-century intellectual thought. For over half a century, it has inspired politicians and thinkers around the world, and has had a crucial impact on our political and cultural history. With trademark brilliance, Hayek argues convincingly that, while socialist ideals may be

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The Road to Serfdom The Road to Serfdom

Friedrich von Hayek

Издател: The University of Chicago Press

The Road to Serfdom is a book written by the Friedrich von Hayek between 1940–1943, in which he "warned of the danger of tyranny that inevitably results from government control of economic decision-making through central planning," and in which he argues that the abandonment of individualism, liberalism, and freedom inevitably leads to socialist

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Книги: 221 - 230 от общо 302