Натаниъл Брандън
Милиони признават Айн Ранд за един от най-великите мислители и писатели на XX век, но малцина я познават като...
Хенри Дейвид Торо
През 1845 г. Торо сам си построява малка дървена къщичка на брега на езерото Уолдън върху земя, която е...
Чрез даряването на сума по Ваше желание, можете да подпомогнете набавянето на нови заглавия и подобряване на предоставяните от нас услуги
Jim Cox
Издател: Laissez Faire Books
The purpose of this work is to allow the reader who is interested in some difficult economic topics to grasp them and the free market viewpoint with very little effort. Having experienced the frustration of attempting to counter some of the statist viewpoints common in economic texts, news stories and other works and in discussions without such a
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Irving Fisher
Издател: Martino Publishing
Following the stock market crash of 1929 and the ensuing Great Depression, Fisher developed a theory of economic crises called "debt-deflation", which rejected general equilibrium theory and attributed crises to the bursting of a credit bubble. According to the debt deflation theory, a sequence of effects of the debt bubble bursting occurs: 1.
Paul Heyne
Издател: Macmillan Publishing Company
The Economic Way of Thinking develops the basic principles of micro- and macroeconomic analysis, and employs them as tools rather than ends unto themselves. This text introduces students to a method of reasoning; to think like an economist through example and application. It even teaches by showing students how not to think, by exposing them to
Howard Davies
Издател: Polity Press
There is still no consensus on who or what caused the financial crisis which engulfed the world, beginning in the summer of 2007. A huge number of suspects have been identified, from greedy investment bankers, through feckless borrowers, dilatory regulators and myopic central bankers to violent video games and high levels of testosterone among
Leland B. Yeager
Издател: Liberty Fund
Money's unique and essential role in a free market and monetary disequilibrium as the root cause of the business cycle are principles central to the work of economist Leland Yeager. For three decades he has extolled the preeminent importance of money as a source of economic fluctuations whose influence goes well beyond mere changes in interest
Cyntihia Beltz (Editor)
Издател: Тhe AEI Press
Тhis book concerns the world of transnational investing and the drift in U.S. policy towards conditional national treatment and the use of foreign investors as a trade tool. This work should be useful reading for those concerned with the world of transnational investing and the drift in U.S. policy towards conditional national treatment and
John Maynard Keynes
Издател: BN Publishing
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money was written by the English economist John Maynard Keynes. The book, generally considered to be his magnum opus, is largely credited with creating the terminology and shape of modern macroeconomics. Published in February 1936 it sought to bring about a revolution, commonly referred to as the
Robert Eisner
Издател: The Century Foundation Press
American politics often seems to be focused on three deficits, real and potential: the federal budget, the Social Security Trust Fund, and the trade balance. Robert Eisner, past president of the American Economic Association, explains why this is an unhealthy situation as well as a source of much misunderstanding. He argues that simply looking at
Издател: Princeton University Press
The prevention of mass unemployment is now universally considered a primary goal of economic policy. But to control unemployment we must understand its causes. This book seeks to remedy the widespread lack of understanding by a comprehensive exploration of the abundant statistics that have become available in recent years. What is unemployment?
Издател: European Central Bank
On 1 January 1999, upon the successful completion of substantial preparatory work, Stage Three of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) started, and the European Central Bank (ECB) assumed responsibility for the single monetary policy in the euro area. This date marked the culmination of years of effort to create a durable framework for monetary
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