Обществено-политически науки
Guidebook to Proposal Writing in CEE and the Former Soviet Union
Издател: The local government and public service reform initiative
The Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI) was launched in January 1997 by the Board of the Open Society Institute-Budapest, replacing the Institute for Local Government and Public Service (ILGPS) and building on its achievements.
LGI focuses on the development of democratic and effective government at sub-national levels
Handlexikon zur Politikwissenschaft
Wolfgang Mickel
Издател: Schriftenreihe der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
Dieses Buch stellt wichtige Tehmen und Probleme aus dem Bereich der Politikwissenschaftin Form von selbständigen wissenschaftlichen Beiträgen lexikalisch angeordnet zusammen.
Hopes and Prospects
Noam Chomsky
Издател: Penguin Books
In this urgent new book, Noam Chomsky surveys the threats and prospects of our early twenty-first century. Exploring challenges such as the growing gap between North and South, American exceptionalism (even under Obama), the fiascos of Iraq and Afghanistan, the Israeli assault on Gaza and the recent financial bailouts, he also sees hope for the
In Apararea Capitalismului Global
Johan Norberg
Издател: Libertas Publishing
"Ideea centrala a cartii ,,In apararea capitalismului global"" a lui Norberg este ca saracia nu e doar o problema materiala. Saracia inseamna lipsa de putere. Inseamna sa fii privat de oportunitati fundamentale si de libertatea de a alege. Veniturile mici sunt simptome ale lipsei acestor lucruri, ale faptului ca oamenii sunt marginalizati si
In Defence of Global Capitalism
Johan Norberg
Издател: Timbro AB
Defence of Global Capitalism is the book that systematically challenges and refutes the anti-capitalist assumptions. With hard facts, statistics and simple graphs, Johan Norberg explains why capitalism is in the process of creating a better world. But the book is also personally written, with an emphasis on values, and the fact that globalisation
In Praise of Non-Centralism
Издател: Liberal Verlag GmbH
LI-PAPER. Centralism offers a great temptation, and the half-life of its disintegration lasts long.
Switzerland today is the result of various constellations of rather unique circumstances. There are good reasons to view it as a special case in European history. Special cases cannot serve as models, because they cannot be very successfully copied
In Pursuit: Of Happiness and Good Government
Charles Murray
Издател: Liberty Fund Inc.
A modern classic and one of the most recommended books in recent years "In Pursuit of Happiness and Good Government" returns to print in a handsome new edition and raises fundamental issues, which 200 years after the American Revolution are yet to be resolved. What is government's role in our lives? Do the solutions to some of our society's most
Книги: 111 - 120 от общо 506