Обществено-политически науки

Reforming Private Health Insurance Reforming Private Health Insurance

Mark A. Hall

Издател: The AEI Press

In the current death spiral of private health insurance, about 10 percent of employers are dropping health coverage each year, while less than 5 percent begin to offer coverage. Between 1987 and 1991, the portion of Americans covered by individually purchased health insurance dropped 40 percent. Yet the amount paid by employers doubled from 1987

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Rehabilitating Government: Pay and Employment Reform in Africa Rehabilitating Government: Pay and Employment Reform in Africa

Издател: The World Bank

Analyzes the issues affecting income security for the elderly in both developing and industrial nations. Systems providing financial security for the old are under increasing strain throughout the world. Changing demographics have led to an increased proportion of old people in the general population. Traditional means of support for the old, such

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Reinventing Europe Reinventing Europe

Издател: Fundata EURISC

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Reports and Declarations Reports and Declarations

Издател: Economic and Social Council

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Responsible National Health Insurance Responsible National Health Insurance

Mark V. Pauly, Patricia Danzon, Paul J. Feldstein, John Hoff

Издател: The AEI Press

The authors chronicle changes in U.S. attitudes about health care and consider policy trade-offs and problems of a tax credit/voucher system to finance health insurance.

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Restoring American leeadership Restoring American leeadership

Kim Holms, Thomas Moore

Издател: Тhe Heritage Foundation

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Reviewing Bulgaria`s progress towards EU membership Reviewing Bulgaria`s progress towards EU membership

Издател: Eropean institute

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Romania-NATO Romania-NATO

Издател: Monitorul oficial

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Книги: 201 - 210 от общо 506