Обществено-политически науки

The Constitution of the United States The Constitution of the United States

Издател: Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution

The Constitution of the United States of America is the supreme law of the United States. It is the foundation and source of the legal authority underlying the existence of the United States of America and the federal government of the United States. It provides the framework for the organization of the United States government and for the

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The Corporation and the Constitution The Corporation and the Constitution

Henry N. Butler, Larry Ribstein

Издател: АЕI Press

The authors relate current arguments to traditional ideas of republicanism and democracy and compare them with the Revolution, Civil War, and civil rights and suffrage movements.

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The Cult of the Presidency The Cult of the Presidency

Gene Healy

Издател: Cato Institute

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The Dream and the Nightmare The Dream and the Nightmare

Myron Magnet

Издател: William Morrow and Company, Inc.

Myron Magnet's The Dream and the Nightmare argues that the radical transformation of American culture that took place in the 1960s brought today's underclass-overwhelmingly urban, dismayingly minority-into existence. Lifestyle experimentation among the white middle class produced often catastrophic changes in attitudes toward marriage and

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The Economics of European Integration The Economics of European Integration

Willem Molle

Издател: Аshgate Publishing Company

Through four previous editions The Economics of European Integration by Willem Molle has established itself as a preferred textbook for students of the economics of the EU as well as a reliable reference work for those with a professional interest in the European Union. Carefully revised, this fifth edition takes into account changes in course

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The Emergence of East Central European Parliaments The Emergence of East Central European Parliaments

Издател: Hungarian Centre of Democracy Studies

Parliaments have been the “central site” and parties the chief actors of the East Central European democratic transitions. The parliamentarization of political life and of its actors has taken the form of “overparliamentarization,” since the East Central European parliaments have had an overwhelmingly dominant role in politics. The

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The End of Influence The End of Influence

Stephen S. Cohen , J. Bradford DeLong

Издател: Basic Books

At the end of World War II, the United States had all the moneyand all the power. Now, America finds itself cash poor, and to a great extent power follows money. In The End of Influence, renowned economic analysts Stephen S. Cohen and J. Bradford DeLong explore the grave consequences this loss will have for Americas place in the world. America,

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The End of Liberalism: The Second Republic of the United States The End of Liberalism: The Second Republic of the United States

Theodore J. Lowi

Издател: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

This widely read book has become a modern classic of political science. The main argument which Lowi develops through both editions is that the liberal state grew to its immense size and presence without self-examination and without recognizing that its pattern of growth had problematic consequences. Its engine of growth was delegation. The

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The End of Sanity The End of Sanity

Martin L. Gross

Издател: Avon Books

The End of Sanity is the most explosive book yet from the New York Times bestselling author of The Government Racket. This new work is essential reading for everyone concerned about the direction in which our nation is headed--a much-needed guide on how to lead America out of the social and moral morass toward a greater, saner tomorrow.

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The Ethics of Redistribution The Ethics of Redistribution

Bertrand de Jouvenel

Издател: Liberty Fund

In this concise and elegant work, first published in 1952, Bertrand de Jouvenel purposely ignores the economic evidence that redistributional efforts sap incentives and are economically destructive. Rather, he stresses the commonly disregarded ethical arguments showing that redistribution is ethically indefensible for, and practically unworkable

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Книги: 251 - 260 от общо 506