Натаниъл Брандън
Милиони признават Айн Ранд за един от най-великите мислители и писатели на XX век, но малцина я познават като...
Айн Ранд
Философията: кому е нужна” е сборник с есета на Айн Ранд, издаден няколко месеца след смъртта й през 1982 г. под...
Чрез даряването на сума по Ваше желание, можете да подпомогнете набавянето на нови заглавия и подобряване на предоставяните от нас услуги
Издател: Bertelsmann foundation publishers
0 гласа, средно: 0 от 5
Stefan Karastoyanov
Издател: Унив. Издат. Св. Климент Охридски
Издател: UNDP
Ralf Dahrendorf
Издател: Stanford University Press
In 1959, Dahrendorf published in his most influential work on social inequality, titled Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society. Despite later revisions and affirmations of his work, today this book still remains as his first detailed and most influential account of the problem of social inequality in modern, or postcapitalist, societies.
Tarsicio Castaneda
Издател: International Center for Economic Growth
Henry C. Clark (ed.)
Издател: Liberty Fund
This collection of thirty-seven readings (from thirty-three writers) brings together some of the most significant pre–Adam Smith writings on the political and cultural dimensions of capitalism. To modern readers, these seventeenth- and eighteenth-century discussions of commerce and economic life in general are surprising because they are so
Издател: Longo editore ravenna
Издател: The foundation press
Ugo Mattei
Издател: The University of Michigan Press
The comparative study of law and the institutions of law have enriched our understanding of the role law plays in our society by comparing law and legal institutions in different countries, but we have lacked a strong theoretical structure. Scholars studying the role of law in society by applying economic theories have offered a parsimonious
Издател: United nations
Книги: 41 - 50 от общо 506