The Korean Economy: Six Decades of Growth and Development
Il SaKong , Youngsun Koh
Издател: Korea Development Institute
The economic growth and social development of Korea in the last 60 years has been truly phenomenal. In 1948, when the government was first established, Korea was one of the poorest countries in the world. Now, it has advanced to a global economic player with a solid industrial base. In the mean time, democracy and pluralism have taken a firm root
The Reason of Rules: Constitutional Political Economy
James M. Buchanan
Издател: Liberty Fund
In his foreword, Robert D. Tollison identifies the main objective of Geoffrey Brennan and James M. Buchanan’s The Reason of Rules: “. . . a book-length attempt to focus the energies of economists and other social analysts on the nature and function of the rules under which ordinary political life and market life function.”
In persuasive
On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
David Ricardo
Издател: Liberty Fund
On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation provides analysis of the allocation of money between capitalists, landowners, and agricultural workers in Britain. Through this analysis, Ricardo came to advocate free trade and oppose Britain's restrictive "Corn laws." Here are his classic commentaries on certain points of contention and
Reagan and the U.S. Economy
Мichael Boskin
Издател: ICS Press
In the eighties, there have been considerable changes in the U.S. economic policy and the development of the economy. There seems to have been barely any change – be it considered good or bad – for which Reaganomics had not been made responsible at one point or another. Hence, the public as well as many economists have differing and often
Policymaking in the Open Economy
Rudiger Dornbusch
Издател: Oxford University Press
This volume examines several areas of policy that critically influence economic performance: monetary policy, exchange rate policy, financial reform, tax reform, and foreign capital. The conceptual discussions of these topics are complemented by several country case studies that illustrate the effects of various policy options. The book does not
Money, Credit and the Economy
Richard Coghlan
Издател: George Allen & UNWIN
The Theory of Money and Finance, by the same author, provided an introduction to the basic theory and concluded by introducing the idea of monetary disequilibrium, with the money supply process operating through bank credit creation. First published in 1981, this book develops that theme and provides empirical evidence in support of such an
Income, Inequality, and Poverty during the Transition from Planned to Market Economy
Издател: The World Bank
This book is about income, inequality, and poverty during the remarkable period of collapse of Communism and the construction of capitalism in the 18 formerly socialist countries. It covers a period of almost ten years, from the time of the early Gorbachevian reforms of 1987-88 to approximately 1996. The goal of this book is to describe what
The Political Economy of Antitrust
Robert Tollison
Издател: Lexington Books
Motivated by recent events and experiences in antitrust enforcement and policy in the United States and the European Union, and new insights and findings from academic research, this book presents a collection of theoretical, empirical and public policy-oriented articles representing recent research on the political-economy of antitrust.
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