
The 4 Essentials of Entrepreneurial Thinking The 4 Essentials of Entrepreneurial Thinking

Cliff Michaels

Издател: Greenleaf Book Group Press

In The 4 Essentials of Entrepreneurial Thinking, Cliff Michaels takes us on an inspirational journey while capturing the passion and wisdom of extraordinary people. On the cutting edge of life and business strategies for over 20 years, Cliff not only shares his triumphs and tribulations as an entrepreneur, he unleashes a fun system of timeless

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The Great Degeneration The Great Degeneration

Niall Ferguson

Издател: Allen Lane

The decline of the West is something that has long been prophesied. Symptoms of decline are all around us: slowing growth, crushing debts, aging populations, anti-social behaviour. But what is the cause? The answer, Niall Ferguson argues, is that our institutions - the intricate frameworks within which a society can flourish or fail - are

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Intergovernmental Reforms In The Russian Federation: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back? Intergovernmental Reforms In The Russian Federation: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back?

Galina Kurlyandskaya, Migara O. De Silva, Natalia Golovanova, Elena Andreeva

Издател: The World Bank

This study represents the most comprehensive review of fiscal federalism in the Russian Federation, presenting a strong case for greater decentralization. Given its vast size, immense diversity - including economic, geographic, cultural, ethnic, and historical differences across regions - Russia is a prime candidate for decentralization. By

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Анализ на правната рамка на съдебното изпълнение в България и препоръки за нейното усъвършенстване/Legal Framework Analysis of the Civil Judgment Enforcement in Bulgaria and Recommendation for its Improvement Анализ на правната рамка на съдебното изпълнение в България и препоръки за нейното усъвършенстване/Legal Framework Analysis of the Civil Judgment Enforcement in Bulgaria and Recommendation for its Improvement


Издател: Center for International Legal Cooperation

Настоящият анализ разглежда правната среда, в условията на която се осъществяват действията по принудително изпълнение на територията на Република България. Целта на анализа е да отрази

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The Great Crash 1929 The Great Crash 1929

John Kenneth Galbraith

Издател: Houghton Mifflin Company

Of Galbraith's classic examination of the 1929 financial collapse, the Atlantic Monthly said:"Economic writings are seldom notable for their entertainment value, but this book is. Galbraith's prose has grace and wit, and he distills a good deal of sardonic fun from the whopping errors of the nation's oracles and the wondrous antics of the

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Policies, Institutions and the Dark Side of Economics Policies, Institutions and the Dark Side of Economics

Vito Tanzi

Издател: Edward Elgar Publishing

Tanzi has been director of the IMF's Fiscal Affairs Department for two decades, which has put him in contact with tax authorities in numerous countries. These essays, some previously published, focus on the practical and institutional side of fiscal affairs, especially tax policy. Much of the book concerns tax evasion, the underground economy,

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The Principles of Ethics, Volume I The Principles of Ethics, Volume I

Herbert Spencer

Издател: Liberty Fund

Spencer considered The Principles of Ethics to be his finest work. In volume I he covers the data of ethics, the inductions of ethics, and the ethics of individual life. In the second volume he covers the ethics of social life (or justice), negative beneficence, positive beneficence, and a number of topics in several appendices (such as Kant’s

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The Principles of Ethics, Volume II The Principles of Ethics, Volume II

Herbert Spencer

Издател: Liberty Fund

Though almost forgotten today, Herbert Spencer ranks as one of the foremost individualist philosophers. His influence in the latter half of the nineteenth century was immense. Spencer's name is usually linked with Darwin's, for it was he who penned the phrase, "survival of the fittest." Today in America he is most often admired for his

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The American Monetary System The American Monetary System

Robert A. Degen

Издател: Lexington Books

This book explains how the American monetary system has developed since the turn of the century. An outgrowth of many years of teaching money and banking to undergraduate liberal arts students, it seeks to enhance the relevance and appeal of the subject by placing it in a larger framework of economic issues and developments than is typically done

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The Economics of Time and Ignorance The Economics of Time and Ignorance

Gerald P. O`Driscoll Jr., Mario J. Rizzo

Издател: Taylor & Francis, Inc.

The Economics of Time and Ignorance is one of the seminal works in modern Austrian economics. Its treatment of historical time and of uncertainty helped set the agenda for the remarkable revival of work in the Austrian tradition which has led to an ever wider interest in the once heretical ideas of Austrian economics. It is here reprinted with a

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Книги: 1071 - 1080 от общо 1582