Basic Economics
Thomas Sowell
Издател: Basic Books
This completely revised and updated third edition of Thomas Sowell's instrumental work includes a new chapter on government finance. Basic Economics is a citizen's guide to economics--for those who want to understand how the economy works but have no interest in jargon or equations. Sowell reveals the general principles behind any kind of
Stolen Asset Recovery
Theodore S. Greenberg , Linda M. Samuel , Wingate Grant , Larissa Gray
Издател: World Bank Publications
In recent years, the revelations of grand corruption and the scale of the plunder of state assets has led to greater scrutiny of financial relationships with politically exposed persons (PEPs) and potential money laundering risks associated with these customers. PEPs—individuals who are or have been entrusted with prominent public functions,
Building Market Institutions in South Eastern Europe
The World Bank
Издател: The World Bank
A study of impediments to investment and private sector development in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedoia, Moldova, Romania, and Servia and Montenegro - yields fundamentally new insights for improving the region's business environment, economic development, and prospects for growth.
Managing Environmental Risk Through Insurance
Paul Freeman , Howard Kunreuther
Издател: AEI Press
The book analyzes the role of insurance in managing environmental risk. It begins by contrasting insurance with sociatal tools for addressing risk: government benefit programs and imposition of involuntary liability using the court system. In so doing, the book describes the comparative advantages of insurance.
Arbeiten wie bei Honecker, leben wie bei Kohl
Thomas Roethe
Издател: Eichborn
Zehn Jahre nach dem Fall der Mauer ist es Zeit für eine schonungslose Bilanz der deutschen Wiedervereinigung. Thomas Roethe unternimmt eine polemische Abrechnung mit der Versorgungsmentalität des Ostens und der verlogenen Fürsorge des Westens. Seine These: Um Bananen geht es schon lang nicht mehr, es geht um die demokratische Wurst. Denn weder
Why Europe Should Embrace Turkey
Heather Grabbe , Katinka Barysch , Steven Everts
Издател: Centre for European Reform (CER)
Many Turks heaved a sigh of relief in December 2004, when EU leaders declared that Turkey could start accession negotiations in October 2005. Some 40 years after the EU had first opened up the prospect of membership, that goal finally appeared to be within reach. Yet as the opening of those accession talks approaches, the mood in Turkey is
Weltwirtschaft im Umbruch
Theodor Dams
Издател: Verlag Ploetz Freiburg
Die Sondertagung der UNO über Rohstoff- und Entwicklungsprobleme hat am 2. Mai 1974 der Errichtung einer neuen Wletwirtschaftsordnung zugestimmt; sie soll u.a. angemessene und gerechtere Preisrelationen zwischen Ein- und Ausfuhren der Entwicklungsländer festlegen. Was kann der Westen, was kann insbesondere die Bundesrepublik tun, um den in
How to Cut Public Spending: (and Still Win an Election)
Matthew Sinclair
Издател: Biteback
In How to Cut Public Spending, the TaxPayers’ Alliance (TPA) – Britain’s independent campaign for lower taxes and better public services – presents the most thorough investigation yet of this vital issue and a plan to turn things around. If there’s one book people should read before the election, it’s this one on the key political
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