The Great Depression 1929 - 1938
Christian Saint-Etienne
Издател: Hoover Institution Press
Economists as diverse in approach as Lord Keynes and Milton Friedman have analyzed the causes of the Great Depression, and their answers have ranged from underconsumption to failings in monetary policy. In Part 1 of the Great Depression, Christian Saint-Etienne compares these theories with economic statistics for the interwar period and adds a
The Emergence of East Central European Parliaments
Издател: Hungarian Centre of Democracy Studies
Parliaments have been the “central site” and parties the chief actors of the East Central European democratic transitions. The parliamentarization of political life and of its actors has taken the form of “overparliamentarization,” since the East Central European parliaments have had an overwhelmingly dominant role in politics. The
Liberty and the State
Charles K. Rowley
Издател: Edward Elgar
This is part of a four-volume set, an annual series dedicated to the work of John Locke. This volume deals with liberty and the state. The others cover rent seeking; classical liberalism, public choice and constitutional democracy; and property rights as a guarantor of liberty.
God`s Country: Taking the Declaration Seriously
Michael Novak
Издател: The AEI Press
The essay printed here is the lecture delivered by Michael Novak at the annual dinner of the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research in Washington, D.C., on February 25, 1999. At that dinner, Mr. Novak received AEI’s Francis Boyer Award for 1999. The award was established in 1977 by SmithKline Beecham, in memory of its former
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