Айн Ранд
Задачата на човешкото съзнание е да възприема, а не да създава реалността; умът на човека е единственият му...
Джоузеф Стиглиц
Как най-голямата икономика в света се озова в състояние на свободно падане? Какви политики и събития...
Чрез даряването на сума по Ваше желание, можете да подпомогнете набавянето на нови заглавия и подобряване на предоставяните от нас услуги
Ingo Vogelsang, Bridger Mitchell
Издател: AEI Press
In telecommunications, all roads lead away from history. In the U.S. case, the long and incestuous relationship between the Bell system and its regulators that created and guarded the firm's monopoly status continues to influence the now liberalized industry. The volumes reviewed here, part of American Enterprise Institute's studies in
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Peter Woll
Издател: МcGraw-Hill Publishing Company
With an even stronger focus on the major cases and readings that define our thinking about American government and politics, the Fifteenth Edition puts students directly in touch with the great authors and political leaders who have shaped and are shaping American government.
Thomas Cargill, Gillian Garcia
Издател: Hoover Institution Press
The Depository Institution Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 has been the most comprehensive attempt at financial and monetary reform since the 1930s. Based on the authors' experience as visiting scholars in the Division of Banking Research and Economic Policy at the Office of the Comptroller in 1980, this study explores the act's
Luis Serven, Andres Solimano
Издател: The World Bank
Modern agroindustry has made significant contributions to agricultural development. This anthology examines the dramatic transformation that the new technologies have helped bring about. India's experience in oilseed production illustrates why public subsidies can't work without private investment. One paper details how the Ghanaian government
Издател: Heritage Foundation
When Ronald Reagan was once asked whom he would rely on if he faced a crisis, he replied, without hesitation, “Ed Meese.” Reagan’s ready response reveals the special relationship between one of the most successful presidents in modern history and his indispensable aide and policy adviser. Time and again, Reagan would turn to Meese after a
Masahiko Aoki, Hyung-Ki Kim
Издател: ЕDI
Observers of the formerly communist economies urge firms there to obtain funds from a relatively few sources. They note the problems the firms face: dysfunctional courts, markets, and statutes. Because these firms cannot rely on the courts to discipline managers, they predict that firms will do best if they raise their capital only from a few
Richard Langlois
Издател: Cambridge University Press
The essays in Economics as a Process are all concerned with exploring theoretical approaches alternative to the conventional or 'neoclassical' paradigm. The essays are united not by a single topic but by a coherent set of themes - themes best described under the heading of the New Institutional Economics.
John W. Nason
Издател: Тhe Foundation Center
However, models for good foundation governance do exist. One such example is a slim tome titled Trustees and the Future of Foundations. Written by John W. Nason and published in 1977, the book provides one of the few comprehensive looks at the roles and responsibilities of foundation trustees. Although the statistics in his first book are
Julian Alston, Philip Pardey
Издател: АЕI Press
This volume examines current agricultural R&D policy, evaluating it in the context of the 100-plus-year history of U.S. public-sector agricultural R&D institutions and expenditures.
Издател: Council on Environmental Quality
Тhe book is an annual report of the Council on Environmental Quality, celebrating its 20th anniversary. It reflects the efforts of the Council in pollution control and shows different ways in leading environmental policy. It also accounts for the activities of the various agencies working in the field of environmentalism.
Книги: 1441 - 1450 от общо 1582