
Changing Balkans, IV Changing Balkans, IV


Издател: Balkan Political Club Foundation

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Changing Balkans, VI Changing Balkans, VI


Издател: Balkan Political Club Foundation

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Completing transition Completing transition


Издател: Springer

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Consolidating Economic Reforms Consolidating Economic Reforms

Bela Greskovits

Издател: CASE

How to assess Hungary's present situation in the broader context of overall economic and political developments in post-socialist Eastern Europe? The regional perspective suggests that in terms of parting with state socialism and building market democracy Hungary - and a few other countries including Poland - represents the maximum any former

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Contending with Hayek Contending with Hayek

Christoph Frei, Robert Nef

Издател: Peter Lang Publishing Group

The essays presented in this volume are the result of a Friedrich A. Hayek Colloquium that was held in Zurich. Under the auspices of the `Liberales Institut`, a small group of experts were invited to contend with Hayek - to re-examine the main tenets of his philosophy, and to discuss the enduring relevance of his ideas and precepts after the

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Culture and Enterprise Culture and Enterprise

Don Lavoie, Emily Chamlrr-Wright

Издател: CATO Institute

This remarkable new work attempts to reconcile two distinct disciplinary fields; the study of culture and the study of markets.

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Dangerous Dreamers Dangerous Dreamers

Robert Sobel

Издател: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Although Sobel ( The Big Board ) records such "innovations" as the Merrill Lynch small-investors-in-volume sales approach, Louis Wolfson's "conglomerate" pioneering and the corporate raidings of Boone Pickens, Sobel's liveliest concern here is the controversial "junk-bond" market of the 1980s and its star performer, Michael Milken. In a notably

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Development and Human Rights Development and Human Rights

Издател: The World Bank

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Книги: 1471 - 1480 от общо 1582